Chapter 24 | Mind Games Pt. 2 |

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" Roman yells as soon as the trailer door opens. Peter looks stunned. "You went to the fucking principal? Really?"

"I didn't want you to-"

"To what?

"I didn't want you to ruin her life!"

"Ruin her life?" Roman scoffs. "Do you think that lowly of me? Do you think I'd do that?"

"I wouldn't put it past you!" Peter shoots to him.

"Oh, so you're Mr. Morality now? Saint Peter? You forget that I know what Letha doesn't!"

"Fuck you," Peter pushes Roman away from him. "You know goddamn well that you'd pull some shit like that."

"Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do," Roman pushes back.

"I was doing what I thought was right!"

"Where the fuck did this even come from?" Roman's fucking furious. Furious. "How did this little twisted idea pop up in your head?" He taps at Peter's head for emphasis. "You fucking dumb fuck!"

"You said in the stairwell-"

"Make a suggestion. I said make a suggestion."

"You didn't mean?" Roman shakes his head, jaw clenched. "The creepy eye thing?"

"Yeah, with the creepy eye thing!"

"Oh shit."

"Do you know how horrific that entire situation was? For me? For her?" Roman shouts, still angry. "They called Olivia! What didn't you just talk to me? I spent all day cleaning up your mess!"

"I'm sorry, dude," Peter puts his hands up. "You don't listen to me. You never listen to me."

"Oh, fuck you!" Roman yells turning around. "Get in the car!"

"Yes, ma'am," Peter mumbles following behind.


"I can't sit it out again, Des," Peter pleads. "We have to do something."

"I told you to run."

"Peter's right," Roman says much to the disdain of Destiny. "We have to do something."

"I know," she mumbles. "You should have ran. It comes at a price."

"I know. What do we need?" Peter asks.

"Some basic stuff, some stuff to say. I can get most of it, just give me a couple days."

"What else does he need? What don't you have?" Roman asks her.

"Sângele celor condamnați."

"Pardon?" Roman chuckles.

"Blood of the damned," Destiny clarifies.

"Emma," Peter fills in the rest.


"That is so much popcorn," Emma laughs as Alex spills some of it into the aisle. He takes his place in the lumpy seat next to her. The movie theater had been there for almost one hundred years and it showed. The little rinky-dink theater on Main Street was the only place that showed old movies instead of new releases.

Since he drove her home that day they'd been texting nonstop. She's found that they actually have a decent amount in common. They both like old bad horror movies and they both have a habit of rewatching old TV shows instead of new ones. Even in music, there was some overlap. Before he'd texted her she actually knew very little about him.

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