Chapter 12: Confrontation

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Shits gonna go down in this chapter!!
That's all I'm gonna say. Enjoy.

Word Count: 601 words

"If it becomes too much just walk out and come back here okay?" He warns standing outside the door. I nod and walk in.

I glance around the room to see a reinforced steel cage with wide glass windows and a man pacing inside. He stops when he hears the door shut and turns to face me smiling wickedly.

"Ah so the Avengers have you as their pet now? How interesting. You've gone from being my prized champion, the greatest agent in Hydra far more superior then your predecessor, to the Earth's Mightiest Heroes pet." He laughs.

"Wow. Says the man who chained me to a floor like a dog." I snapped back.

"Watch your tongue, girl!" Thompson hisses slamming his hand against the window. I stared at him not phased by his actions.

"Why? You're the one in a cell there's nothing that you can do." I challenge smirking walking closer to the window.

"Well, I suppose you're right. But my time will come when I get out of this cell and your precious Avengers won't be able to do a thing." Thompson calmly smirks while not breaking eye contact with me.

He moves in front of me so the camera by the door can't see or hear him. "Because they'll be too busy fighting you." The Russian snarls dropping his voice so the camera can't pick it up.

My eyes widen in shock as I step backwards due to what I just heard. Without another word I turn to leave only to stop when Thompson speaks up.

"Just like your mother. Pathetic. Weak. She hated you, you know? It's your fault she's dead. You killed her, you're own mother. She never loved you." He manipulates. Which works because anger just spreads through my body like a virus.

"Shut up!" I order keeping my eyes trained on the door where Steve and Bucky are watching. Steve holds the door handle in case they need to step in which I have a feeling they will.

"Or what? You're nothing then a lab rat. A pet, one that I should of killed the moment I took you." He taunts.

"I said shut up!" I scream spinning on my heel to face him as objects begin floating around me as my eyes turned black.

I stalk up to the glass just as Steve and Bucky burst in.

"Brook, you need to calm down it's what he wants. He's manipulating you." Barnes says trying to reason with me but I ignore him.

"It wasn't my fault. You did it! You killed her! You took her away from me!" I yell as my powers intensifies and the lights start flickering and the black mist gather around my hands.

"We need to get her out now!" Steve panics to Bucky.

I don't hear him say this as my anger consumes me. That was until I hear a voice in my head.

"Brook sweetie calm down. Please don't loose control you're not strong enough." The female voice said no more like begged me. At first I thought it was Loki because it sounded like him but that definitely wasn't his voice in fact it sounded more like...

It sounds like mom. But it can't be can it? Taking a deep breath I walk back up to the cell to look Thompson in the eyes.

"I hope you rot in this cell." I spit before walking off, dropping all the objects to the floor not caring if they broke or not.

Shortly after leaving the room the two super soldiers exit the room joining me in the hallway.

Author's note: Sorry it's a short one I wanted this to have it's own chapter so I didn't include anything else.

Bad news though I don't actually know where to go with this story after this point. Ah damn writers block! So updates are mostly likely going to take longer, I'm so sorry guys. I'll try my hardest but no promises.
-Spnfreak07 oxox

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