Chapter 17: Soldier to Soldier

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Note: Sorry this has taken me so long to write, I've been so focused on my college work that I forgot I was writing this chapter. But anyway I appreciate this came out as more of a filler then anything but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Word Count: 808 words

"F.R.I.D.A.Y where's Bucky?" I call out as I make my to one of the staircases.

"Sargent Barnes is in his room Miss Stark." The A.I. replied.

"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y." Heading up the staircase I made my way to the next floor. Leaving the staircase I rounded the corner and soon came face to face with Barnes' room.

Tightening the grip on the book I knock. Waiting a moment I hear shuffling coming towards the door before it's opened. "Steve I told you I'm-" He stops upon seeing me. "Oh hey Brook, what's up?" He greets with a smile.

"Umm... can I come in? I need to speak to you." I ask glancing down at the book which Buck saw.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. Come in." Moving to the side he let's me into his room before closing the door again. "So what's the matter, kid?"

"What do you know about my mother?" I blurt out coming straight to the point.

I could tell by his reaction that he didn't expect me to ask him that question let alone how abrupt it was. "Not much why?"

"What do you know about her?" I repeat sternly making him stare at me for a moment.

"All I knew was that she was from Asgard. Hydra wouldn't tell me anything else. And if they did it would have been wiped." He explains still confused by my questions. Taking this in I nod.

"Well what do you know about me?" I pause taking a different approach. "From my mom's side." I add. Sighing Bucky sits down on his bed.

"What do you want to know?" He asked back knowing full well what my answer will be.

"Everything." I pause. "Or at least what you can tell me." I rephrase.

He looks away for a moment as if to think about his response before turning back to me. "There isn't much I can tell you, Brook." He sighed.

"Why?" I question with an annoyed expression. All this secrecy is getting on my nerves.

"Because I can't. I made a promise and as much as it pains me to see you like this I can't break that promise. I'm sorry." The moment he said that I automatically knew who made him promise.

"My mom made you promise didn't she?" I assumed to which he nods.

"Okay." I sigh. "Then tell me what you can say." I plead, trying again. Tapping the space next to him I reluctantly sit beside him.

"The only thing I really remember is about the necklace." He pauses making me look at him with a confused expression. "I can't remember how she worded it exactly but you can connect with her spirit."

"That's how I keep hearing her voice isn't it?" I question. "I didn't know it could do that." I mumble to myself. "Then why did Loki tell me otherwise? He said it acts as a failsafe."

"Well, I guess it is in a way. You can talk to her and she can talk to you. I'm guessing that's where he got it from." I nod feeling somewhat satisfied with his answer.

"Wanda was right, speaking with you was best choice." I smile standing up. "I've gotten more answers from you then I have from my dad or my uncles."

"Yeah well us Soliders have to stick together." He comments making me laugh as he stands up as well.

"You can say that again." I reply before he turns serious again.

"But in all seriousness Brook, are you alright? You seem off. Is this only to do with Tony, Thor and Loki or is there something else that's bothering you? Someone else?" He asks gently putting a hand on my shoulder.

Sighing I glance away before turning back to him. "I can't shake what Thompson said to me." I blurt out. "It just- it keeps playing on my mind."

"How so." He prompted as he let his arm fall to his side. He knew what I meant but he continued to let me speak, promting me with questions.

"I mean it's been what? Two weeks give or take? And he hasn't spoken a word. Just the occasional sadistic smile or laugh when either you, Nat or Steve interrogate him." I recall from all the times they interrogated him as I watched from the door.

"I mean I could be wrong and it could just be him being him and perhaps I'm simply overthinking this but-" Bucky cuts me off by grasping my shoulder which distracted me.

"I'm the same. What he said about him using you to escape frequently plays in my head too." Barnes agrees moving his hand away.

"But I just have this gut feeling." I trail off

"Like it's only a matter of time before he tries something." Barnes finishes off as if he read my thoughts.


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