💚Rider x Team School Cardigans💝

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Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

(Narrators pov) IT WAS LOUD AFTERNOON IN INKOPOLIS SQUARE WHAT IN THE ZAPFISH WAS CAUSING ALL THAT RACKET....oh i see it's the school cardigans chasing rider again....wait

Cardigans: Nyaaa Rider-kun come back we miss you!

Rider: No stay away from me you cross dressers!

It was a huge chase all around the square until one of Cardigans tripped and her (his) wig fell off.

Long: (normal male voice) Ah where is it i can't be a girl without it!

Metry: Oh my darling put it back on!

Long looked all over for her wig until he found it on Rider's foot.

Long: Rider-Senpai can you give that back please?

When Rider saw the wig he had the evilest idea ever he pick it up and waved it in front of her.

Rider: Oh you want this? Well....come and get it!

Rider ran off with Long's wig laughing as he ran.

Long: Grr come on ladies lets get him!

The School Cardigans chased after Rider until they came to a complete stop.

Metry: Haa haa where did he go?

When they least expected it a burst bomb came out of nowhere and exploded a sleeping gas every single Cardigan member fell to the ground including metry about 12 minutes later Metry woke up to find herself and the others without their wigs tied up with their socks and shoes off.

Rider: Well well well if it isn't the school cardigans.

Metry: What have you done to us?! Let us go!

Rider: Nope because I'm going to teach you guys a lesson....

Rider began to wiggle his fingers as the girls were trembling in fear.

Rider: You know boys are very ticklish just as ticklish as girls.

Rider began to tickle their feet making the cardigans squeal into giggles.

Rider: Haha, tickle tickle!

Metry: Nohohohahaha stop please stahap hahahahahahaha!

Long: Hahaha hahaha that tickles! N-no! No more!

Short: Plehease hahahahahahah have mercy on us hahahahahahaha!

Bun: Nohohohahaha forgive us!

Rider: Now doesn't this tickle GIRLS?

Metry: Plehease Rider hahaha Senpai we'll do anything!

Rider: Anything?

Metry: Yes anything hahahahahahah just make it stop!

Rider: Ok I'll stop but only if you stop chasing me around.

Metry: We promise! We promise!

Rider began to untie them.

Rider: Ok good enough.

Lol the end rider is hilarious 😁

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