Prologe Part 1

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AN: Greeting's Everyone, my name is FederationThunderbolt and this is my first Ever Story... kinda... you see i tried using another 'write-you-own-story' site and... its too complicated for me XD for those that use it, congrates. but yeah this is my real first story so i hope i can entertain you guys and girls with your three favourite Teens being friends, three? nope thats not wrong :) but i wont Spoil it until Chapter 1... so with out anymore notes, Welcome, to My Hero Yugioh

location: Domino City, Japan, Game Store, 5:46 PM

Yugi Muto, a Young Duelist who achieved the Title: King Of Games was at his Grandpa's house looking over his Deck of Cards, his Millenium Puzzle around his neck and the Spirit named Yami inside said puzzle transparent beside him over looking Yugi as he Sorts his deck out.

"rechecking your Deck I see" Yugi smiled at Yami but kept his eyes on his cards.

"I have to make sure there as up to date as i can Pharoah, it may take a long time for something to happen again, but i dont want to get caught off guard when not only my friends need me the most, but most of the world as well"

Yami chuckled softly when Yugi said that, for as long as he knew Yugi, he enjoyed the moments when Yugi acted like he was a Super Hero, who saves the day and doesn't want any rewards.

Suddenly a loud crash is heard making Yugi jump and quickly rushed down with his Deck and Duel Disk to see what happened, he gasped when he saw his Grandpa on the floor and rushs to him.

"Grandpa, are you alright?" Grandpa Muto looks at his Grandson shaking alittle but unharmed.

"I-I'm alright Yugi, but someone took one of my new cards when I was down here, he didn't take a-anything else, only that one card" "only one?... what was that card Grandpa?" 

Yugi helped his Grandpa up as Yami looks around checking for any Dark Magic while Grandpa Muto looks at Yugi saying what card it was "it was a Field Spell Card called: Different Dimension Gate, i honestly dont know why anyone would steal a Field Spell card, it was still Brand new too" 

"Yugi!" Yugi looked over to Yami and saw him point to an Allyway just as a Cape disappeard into the corner if the Allyway "Grandpa, I'll get that card back, don't worry"

Grandpa Muto nods and tells Yugi to be Careful, and says that while that thief did take him down, he didn't hurt him and he said something about only needing this just this once, which confused Yugi, but he shakes his head and rushes to the Allyway, Puzzle around his neck Duel Disk in arm and ready to duel for that card back.

As Yugi enters the Allyway, he sees a Figure standing still looking at the card and speaking to himself but Yugi on heard some of it which was "... for them both... new world... heroes... Peace"

Yugi was Confused but decided to wait until they got the card back and with a nod from Yami they switch places.

(AN: couldn't find a seperate one of them that had the video aswell... but at least those that love the Japanese version will have some love XD i guess)

The Figure turns noticing the glow and looks at Yami, Yami looked back, not noticing anything evil from this guy... which unsettled him "why have you stolen that card from my Grandpa?, what are you trying to accomplish?"

The Figure just smiled lifting the card he stole and placing it on his own duel disk,

The card suddenly sparks to life and suddenly the a Gate appears with its Rainbow Vortex behind him and Yami was shocked at how real it felt "is

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The card suddenly sparks to life and suddenly the a Gate appears with its Rainbow Vortex behind him and Yami was shocked at how real it felt "is... is this dark Magic?... but it dont feel any kind of darkness... who is this guy?" 

The guy in the cape smiles and suddenly the Vortex in the gate starts to bring Yami Closer, Yami tries to palce a Spell to stop it but he was too late, though before he got fully in the guy grabs him making Yami look at him and notices the sorry look on him "im sorry, but this world needs your help, do not worry, once your task of saving the world beyond this gate is done, i can return you back home, save this world, Yami and Yugi... Be the Heroes there as you were here".

He lets go and Yami and Yugi disappears into the Vortex, and the Vortex closes with the gate disappearing into the ground and the guy looks into the spot where the gate was and sighs "i know you will successed Kings of Games, but im hoping i also didn't make a mistake... heh after all" 

The figure looks up letting the light show his face, a face with freckles and bright emerald eyes, hair thats green and all messy, a big smile on his face as he looks up at the sun "I couldn't have asked for any better friends then you two... Yugi, Yami... Believe in your Heroic Hearts, and show my world, what kind of Heroes you two really are" 

~End of part 1~

AN: so what do you guys think so far?... i hope i did ok to start off Part 1... part 2 is coming straight after this and... well... its going to continue from when Izuku tried to protect that kid from Bakugo and his lackeys from when Inko Midoriya picks up Izuku... thats all i can say right now until part 2 of course... but for now, i hope you enjoyed part 1 and to end on a note, remember to Believe in your Heroic Hearts, and Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!

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