Chapter 7: Deku VS Kacchan

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AN: hey everyone, FederationThunderbolt here... sorry if you were wanting another chapter to come out... but... well let me explain... i have this weird habit of losing interest in things i do... like... i focus on it for so long it becomes... lost to me... its kinda why i made a second story even though i should have waited until i got this, atleast season 1 of MHA done... but i am who i am, and its hard to chance that... i will try and make up for it, but again... its really unless i get bored of what i do lately and decide to do this anyway with that out of the way, lets "finally" begin Chapter 7

Bakugo glared at Izuku who glared back, Iida asking where he is and an update, Bakugo puts his finger on the earpiece in his ear "just Shut Up and defend the weapon, ive got more importent things to worry about" he hung up on Iida who argued about how they are meant to be partners, Meanwhile in the central Room, the class was Watching Bakugo talking, but no sound came out which made Kirishima ask "hey whos Bakugo talking to?, im not hearing anything, can we get any sound with this video?".

 Yugi and Yami then answered for All Might who turned to Kirishima "All Might gave them radios before there match started so they can talk to there partners, he also gave them a layout map of the building" "he also gave them Capture tape, which can be used to win as well, if im not mistaken" All Might smiled noding holding up one of the capture tapes as an example "if you managed to capture your opponent with the tape, that means they have apprehended them and they are out of the game".

Yami and Yugi stopped listening and watched Izuku and Bakugo stare at eachother, they caught some words like unfair and disadvantage a big one, with all Might stating Pro's have to outwit Villains on a daily bases, but just before All Might continues, he and the class noticed Yugi and Yami look at the video, with an intense look "its started, Bakugo is making the first move" the classed turned and saw they were right, Bakugo had his hands behind him, ready to use his explosions to charge Straight for Izuku.

When Izuku noticed this, he yelled at Ochako "Ojiro, GO!" Ojiro nods and rushes out of there, with Bakugo Charging at high speeds towards Izuku, delivering a hard Kick to his head, which he blocked easily "Ballsy move, think you can take me alone?" Bakugo then noticed something rapped around his foot 'he's using the Capture tape', Izuku glanced at Bakugo waiting for his next move which he predictied to be his right hook, and he was right, Izuku dodged the attack shocking Bakugo more, something in bakugo couldnt help but be impressed.

in the Control room, the class was impressed at how Izuku was able hold his own and hasn't used his Quirk yet, Yugi and Yami smiled, which the class noticed and asked if they know how he is managing to do this, which Yami answered "Izuku is a huge fan of heroes, he has books and books of heroes, even before he became my brother, his fan knowladge is basically now in his blood, give him an opponent he knows from his note book..." Yami took a glare at his classmates who shivered alittle "you better make sure he doesnt even have a second to think, or its game over".

(Opening Guitar)
I am Deku, Izuku Midoriya,
and with my Brothers, Yugi and Yami,
We've dreamed of the day, that we will become heroes,
and that soon would arrive because,
The Day, Has COME~!!!
(Guitar Bit here)
Lost in a world unknown to us,
Power that we could only dream of,
but it wont stop us from achieving our owns Goals
So Many Names and faces,
Sleepless nights Slept in unknown places,
And Everyday I walk,
Straight in the great Unknown,
Its Time to Duel,
Against the Villains here,
Prince and King,
Will Show all the Bad Guys,
Its time to make your move,
Colliding fists and Magical Blast,
you grit your teeth or they will break you,
The Time is Upon you, to show them what you can do,
your breaking the mold to show you're not them,
Believe in your hearts like I believe in mine,
The Heart of the Card will give me Victory,
The Time is Upon you, to Play this your own way,
and that we will prove to them that,
It's time To D-D-D-D-DUEL!!!
(Guitar Ending)

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