Chapter 1 Yugi, Yami and Izuku Midoriya's Beginning

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AN:  Greetings everyone... FederationThunderbolt here, giving you Chapter one of My Heroes of Games, before i actually write the chapter, i would like to point out that, im going to be keeping this as Canon to the Anime as possible with it having Yami and Yugi in it, and i also would like to point out that... my mind goes all over the place when i come up with ideas... so... XD i guess in some way im like Izuku only with any ideas in my head instead of explaining Quirks and how they could be more useful... but with out anything more to say, lets start Chapter 1!

Location: Aldera Junior High
"so, as third year Students its time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you wanna do with your lives..." Yugi who was looking at his cards along with Yami as the both of them were next to Izuku who was writing in his Quirk Notebook, the trio looked up as they listened to there teacher, behind Yami and Yugi were Transparent figures known as Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl.

... i should back up alittle shouldn't i? *clears throat* well ok... XD lets take it back one last time, yes i quoted from the spiderman movie, anyway for a recap, Yugi and Yami had been taken from there world from a Figure and were not only turned into 4 year old, but also in separate body's. they were found by Inko and Izuku Midoriya and in the 10 years of living with them, not only had they become apart of the family... literally apart of the family, cause Inko Adopted them, and as Kacchan would say "you don't Mess with Auntie Inko, Bastards".

I might as well say what happened in those 10 years, well half a year after the two new brother's started living with the Midoriya's they found there Quirks thanks to an incident with Bakugo, Yugi being the first and Yami being second, and there Quirks is Named Gaming Reality, which brings there Card game into the real world which they can use to fight, trap, defend... basically anything the card would do to the person your dueling you can do to many others in real life, two of which for there first was was Mirror Force used by Yugi, and Magical Hats used by Yami... actually lets talk about those two.

when they first entered there new school, they did wear the same uniforms Izuku and the others wore and became best friends with Izuku, the two even got pretty popular at school too which was... well definitely new, well Yami was popular but Yugi wasn't safe from some fans either... especially some of the girls, for Yami though, it was bad when he and Yugi became King of Games together, but oddly it felt... ok? he thinks... he could definitely do without the crazy fan girls, but other then that, they were happy.

how did they become popular?... well it was all because Yami stood up to Bakugo, an became a thorn in his side, at the time a young kid was getting bullied by Bakugo and his two lackeys and Izuku tried to stop them, Bakugo was about to beat Izuku to remind him of his place, Yugi and Yami stood in, Yugi used a spell card called: Shield and Sword, which made Bakugo and his lackey's quirks become weak which did little damage to Izuku and the kid, and Yami used the spell card: Spellbinding circle to stop them... or really to stop Bakugo.

Bakugo growled at Yami and yelled at him to get out of his way so he can teach that Useless Deku a Lesson and make him know his place, but Yami Stated with a Glare of his own which in turn made the Egypt eye of Horus appear on his head, a faint golden aura around him as he say's to Bakugo "is this how you wanna be known when you become a hero?, someone who beats up the weak and claim all the glory?, you tell Izuku and us that this is real life... how about you take your own advice, not everything revolves around YOU Bakugo!" 

This makes Bakugo flinch and Yami went to Bakugo face to face, his Glare becoming more intense as he continues "remember this Bakugo, there will always... Always, be someone stronger, smarter... and Better then you... then everyone... even All Might" everyone who was seeing this noticed that as his Aura seem to get darker his eyes slowly became blood red, he almost looked like he would actually kill Bakugo, but that suddenly stopped when someone grabbed Yami's hand, which made him look behind him to see Yugi, staring at him with a sad pleading look.

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