Prologe Part 2

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AN: Greeting Everyone, FederationThunderbolt here again giving you Part 2 of the Prologe, this will be alittle tricky but until i get to when All Might will talk... well lets just not worry about that and lets start Part 2

-location: Musutafu, Japan, 3:20 pm-

Driving home in there car, Izuku Midorya and his Mom, Inko Midoriya had a quiet ride home, Inko couldn't help but feel bad for her baby boy, he had wanted to be a Hero ever since he saw that Video of his favorite hero, All Might, he would always come to her and bring her to the computer to watch the video with a huge smile on his face, but ever since that appointment at the doctors and learning Izuku wasn't going to get a quirk, it broke her heart. 

Izuku stared out on the road, today he got beaten up by Kacchan because he tried to stop him from bullying a kid, and he didn't have the heart to tell on him for using his quirk, as they came closer to there appartment, Izuku looked up suddenly noticing a flash happen in front of there appartment, Inko noticed too and they got out of the car and rush to there door, to suddenly see two kids in front of the door, Izuku who got there first walked to them and saw they were asleep.

His Mother came up and gasped softly, seeing the two and unlocked there house to bring them in, Izuku brought the one that looked about his size while his mom brought in the taller one and layed them both on the couch, getting a good look at them they were surprised by how similer they looked, in fact, they seem to have the exact same oversize necklace that looked like an upside down pyramid with a Eye on it.

They both had the same hair colors Black hair and Blond bangs with some purple outlines from the black, both had the same star hair style one had three more stikes pointing up while the other didn't, and even there eyes seemed different, one seemed more narrowed looking, seemingly looking more mature and the other had big eyes similer to Izuku only not as round looking.

Izuku and Inko heard them groan softly and the first one to wake up was the Izuku sized one, he opened his eyes and jumped surprised to see Izuku and Inko, but when he looked at the person beside him, to Izuku it looked like the smaller one was surprised to see someoen looking like him, but to Inko it looked more like the smaller one was surprised to even see the taller version.

The little one looked back and shyly bowed his head "h-hello miss..." Inko softly smiled and bowed back "hello little one... how do you feel?" "o-ok?... I-I'm not sure..." he looked down and saw the strange necklace and smiled softly gripping it and holding it close.

"what are your names?" the little one looked at Izuku and was about to speak but then looked at his taller self "i-i'd like to wait until my... twin brother is up i-if thats ok?" Izuku nods understanding and Inko couldn't help but smile softly at the little ones politeness, soon after the larger one woke up, alittle dizzy from the look of it but when he opened his eyes, Izuku and Inko were surprised that there eyes were even the same color.

The larger one looked around, then at Inko and Izuku, then at his younger self and almost looked like they were comunicating with there minds, which Izuku wanted to ask but held back as suddenly the little one hugs the larger one smiling brightly that rivaled Izuku, which he noticed and couldnt help but smile himself, Inko had a hard time NOT finding this too adorable.

The two pulled back and looked at Izuku and Inko when the larger one spoke, surprisingly in a mature like voice "thank you for bringing us into your home" Inko smiled waving her hand "oh its no bother, but we still dont know your names... my name is Inko Midoriya and this is my son Izuku Midoriya" Izuku bows smiling and looks at them both "what are your names?" "my name is Yami, and this is my younger twin Yugi" they both bow and Inko looked at them with a small serious face.

"do you know why you appeared at out door step?" Yugi and Yami looked at each other and spoke Telepathicly "should we tell them?" Yami mentally shook his head "no, not yet, maybe on a later time but first we need to understand this world, it seems our own dark magic still works considering we can still comunicate like this, but something about this world seems... stranger" Yugi mentally nods and looks back at Izuku and Inko shaking his head "im sorry, but we dont seem to remember much other then who we are"

Yami hugged Yugi and Inko looked at them feeling sorry for them, she asked if they would like to stay, until she could find there parents, though when she said that, Yugi looked down his face saddened, this made Inko worry she said something wrong but Yami was to the rescue and hugs Yugi close "i-its a... very touching subject... especially to Yugi, you said nothing wrong miss Midoriya, but... we lost our parents" Izuku's eyes went wide and Inko Cried softly, and Izuku goes and hugs the two, Inko joining in after and both she and Izuku Promised they would take care of them.

-timeskip 10 years-

Yugi and Yami Midoriya, the two had to admit that ever since they ended up in this world, they learnt alot about how this world worked, about Quirks, Heroes, even about how one can have a Hero Career, which they were actually planning on doing, both had unlocked there quirk just before there 5 birthday making them both the latest bloomers of quirks and to everyone at junior high's surprise, they were identical, and to Yugi and Yami's pleasure, it was something they were familier with.

They learnt of there quirk when they were playing this worlds version of Duel monsters which was basically similer, but since quirks are around, barely anyone played them except for the twin Midoriya's, Izuku and Inko even gave it a try and while Inko wasn't as good, she did fairly good, Izuku though was pretty challanging, even though he would lose everytime, he'd get back up and promise to beat one of them next time which made the two happy.

How did they unlock there quirk? well, the two were playing against each other like usual when Bakugo came and tried to show them there place, or more specifically Yami, Bakugo was going to blow up there card game but was stopped by Yami, this time having enough of the Spike Freak, he uses his quirk on Yami and makes him get thrown back hurt, Yugi gasped and saw Bakugo looking at him Menacingly.

Bakugo, now knowing Spike freak was out of the way could finaly teach the Passive Freak his place, but as bakugo used his quirk on Yugi, suddenly one of the cards that was faced down still on the board glowed, and suddenly a force field appeard in front of Yugi and not only blocked bakugo's Explosion, but reflected it and hit Bakugo instead, everyone who saw was shocked, Yugi who had his hands covering his face looked up and saw the force field, then at the card that was glowing, he picked it up and saw it was Mirror Force.

He gasped realising he unlocked his quirk, Yami who saw was amazed and then noticed Bakugo about to come back... looking alot more angrier them before and rushed at Yugi, but Yami got one of his cards and it suddenly glowed too, he stopped in front of Yugi and activated his card, Magicans Hats and a big hat fell on both of them just as bakugo blew it up, but when the smoke cleard they werent there and the hat was in pieces, then from behind Bakugo the second hat that appears rised up and showed an unhard Yami and Yugi.

The Teacher came out and gave Bakugo detention and gave Yugi and Yami a warning, since they only just unlocked there quirks, the teacher would go easy on them just this once, and Yami and Yugi nodded understanding, but were so happy they both got there quirks.

~End of Part 2~

AN: there we go, the end of part 2 now i can do Chapters... which will be extreamly long XD if i can get around to doing it that is... but maybe if i keep doing it about  1400 words or more im betting i can make you guys... at best happy... but yeah, ill explain Yugi and Yami's Quirk next before i begin the first Chapter to see ya next time and as always, Believeing in your Heroic Hearts and keep Going Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!!!!!

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