Chapter 5

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Katherine had never been in a lift before, although she had read about them.  It was small, not very well lit and there were unfamiliar noises, but as a total experience Katherine was impressed – at least, until she realized it was taking them down, not up, and she was deposited in the Wallace’s outer kitchen.  She was swept out of the lift in the very efficient man’s wake.

If Katherine had been paying attention she would have noticed a whispered message pass through the outer kitchen like wildfire and numerous quick glances her direction, but she was far too focused on their destination for that.  She was taken by surprise when she was led to a table in a small alcove, and the sudden formal pronouncement, “Mr. Spears, Miss Katherine Cameron to see you.”

He was lovely.  He was graceful as he stood.  He had a very, very nice smile.  There was something about his eyes.  “Miss Cameron,” he said, “It is my very great pleasure to finally meet you properly.”

The very efficient man’s eyebrows might have gone up a fraction of an inch at the word “properly” – or they might not have.  He did respond with a succinct “Sir” to Mr. Spears’ offered, “Thank you, Huntly”.  The man called Huntly then quickly, gracefully and silently turned, looking every one of the nearby staff squarely in the eyes as he did so, and disappeared.  The staff, despite their burning curiosity, became emphatically unobtrusive.

Katherine was trying to find her footing.  He’s about my age!  He’s polite!   She realized she wasn’t talking but should be.  “Mr. Spears…it is a pleasure to be able to express my thanks for everything you have done for me – and to return your coat.”

He looked away from Katherine, around the corner of the alcove.  “It appears we have been ‘caught’,” he said with a lovely laugh.  “Miss Cameron, I’d like to introduce to you my friend, Miss Rebecca Gordon.” 

Katherine heart pounded, flipped, stopped beating and started back up again.  Sliding out around the corner of the alcove and from behind the little table came an eight-year-old girl, who looked at the floor and gave Katherine a curtsy suitable for presentation to Queen Victoria.

Katherine looked at the girl’s mass of strawberry blond curls and then at Andrew – and then back again.  “It’s my pleasure to meet a friend of Mr. Spears,” she finally got out.

“Mr. Spears told me about you.  The honor is mine,” the little girl said beautifully as she gazed up into Katherine’s face. 

“We were just having tea.  Will you join us?”  Mr. Spears indicated the table with a wide smile.

“Uh, yes, if I’m not…”

“Of course not, Miss Cameron!”  That smile again. 

“Mr. Spears, I will take my leave now,” the little girl said.

“Miss Gordon, I was actually wondering if you might stay as a chaperone for Miss Cameron’s visit?”  Andrew asked. 

The girl gave him a small nod of her head and returned to her place just as if it had been a request from the real world where normal people lived.  Katherine looked at the table and was not quite sure of the protocol, but the girl sat and scooted down the bench, so Katherine followed, sitting across from her.

“Hmm - the Wallace’s famous staff seems to momentarily be off on other business.  I’ll fetch another tea cup,” Mr. Spears cheerily offered, and bounded off grinning happily.

Katherine looked at the table.  There were half finished cups of tea, an open reader and some mending.  “I hope I’m not interrupting,” she said to the girl.

A Chance Meeting in GlasgowWhere stories live. Discover now