Chapter 51

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Andrew paced the railway platform.  Katherine’s train was due – in fact, he discovered as he checked his watch, it was 37 seconds overdue.

They’d parted friends. They’d parted with a kiss.  The kiss had burned him ever since.  “Friends” wasn’t where Andrew wanted to stay with Katherine. 

She’d written that she missed his company.  She’d written her agreement to co-host the dinner party aboard the North Wind.  They were small but important encouragements.

Andrew only had until Saturday morning before his ship was due to leave on its sea trial.  He’d taken the liberty of making an appointment for Katherine on Tuesday.  Wednesday he had invited her to dinner.  Thursday he had tickets – really good tickets – to the musical theater.  Friday was the dinner party.  He had to make excellent use of the limited time.

He’d planned.  It was time to execute.  The train was arriving.

It didn’t take him long to find Katherine, wearing the soft gray riding habit he’d come to know so well.  It felt good to be in her company again, and once he was it seemed like they’d know each other forever and been parted only a moment.  “Forrester’s retrieving your luggage.  We’re to meet him back at the landaulette.”

“It’s good to be home, Andrew.  That is, if as much as I’ll still recognize it!  My butler engaged, the sewing machine, a new girl…”

“And maybe something else, Katherine.”

She wheeled on him, her eyes as bright as they’d ever been in her life.  “That’s right!  What else have you done?”

“It’s a surprise.  You have to wait until you get to the tower.”

He had her giggling.  Good sign.

He offered her his arm and they walked slowly together through the packed station.  “Bank holiday today, Katherine.  Extra crowds.”

“I’ll stick right next to you so I won’t get lost!”  It was an excellent excuse. 

Forrester had found her big valise and had it aboard the carriage by the time they strolled out of the station.  Katherine broke from Andrew’s side and ran the final steps to the landaulette.  “Ah!  A team!  A real team of matched Arabians!  Oh, they’re just lovely.  Hello, Ink.  And you must be Bandersatch.”  She turned with a start to her many-talented man.  “Forrester, forgive me for getting the truly important things out of order.  My heartfelt congratulations to you on your engagement, and wishes for much happiness for you both.”

Charlie colored.  “Yes, ma’am, thank you. As far as the team, we just have the one borrowed from Mr. Spears, of course.  Pleased you like the horses together.“

She stepped back to take it in.  “I especially like my horse and Mr. Spears’ horse teamed together.  I’ll feel like the Queen of Sheba riding in this.”

“That would be royalty.  You’re peerage,” Andrew commented.

She shook her head.  “Americans.”  She couldn’t hide her grin.

Charlie got them loaded and the little carriage underway through the heavy traffic around the station.  After some blocks he found a bit of clear run and put the horses into a trot towards Maryhill.

Katherine looked out the window at the city going by.  “It’s like we’re flying.  Should he be driving the horses this hard?”

“Forrester’s actually holding them back.  The two of the Arabians together on your little landaulette could go at this pace for hours.”

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