Chapter 68

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The wedding breakfast was drawing to a close and the guests were, by families and small groups, taking their leave.  Katherine stood next to her new husband, clinging to his arm.  “Wish you had your horse back yet?”

“It was nice of the Earl to come to our wedding and give you away, but I would have preferred that he hadn’t told you that story.”

“Oh, to be there and to have seen the look on my brother’s face.”

“Impossible.  It was one of those things that only made sense in an all male environment.  If there had been a single female present the whole thing would have collapsed onto its own absurdity.”

“I’m disappointed my brother and Anne didn’t come.”

“We’ll be visiting them next week, love.  Your brother said he regretted it was not shooting season yet, but he was looking forward to him and his son fishing and riding with me.  Anyway, well, I think they have their reasons for not traveling as a family.  Uh, understand, this is related to you in confidence…”

“What? Tell me, darling.”

“During breakfast at the Hall on both Wednesday and Thursday mornings, your sister-in-law rather hurriedly excused herself from the table, looking ill.  She returned after a bit, somewhat pale.”

“Do you mean…?”

“We must let her tell us in her own time, but I suspect she is with child.”

“Oh, Andrew!  That’s lovely.  I’m so happy for her.”

“Remember, that’s not official.  Anyway, Robbie was only interested in coming until he found out Becky wouldn’t be here.”

Katherine snuggled as close to Andrew’s side as she could in public.  She cast her eye across the room.  “Do you think that’s wise?”

Andrew followed her gaze.  “Absolutely not.  The situation is fraught with peril.  I can see no safe heading from this point.”

“Oh my.  She’s batting her lashes at him.”

“I tried to dissuade him, but he’s been staring at her since she arrived at the ceremony, and he was adamant I introduce the two of them.  I just hope I did it correctly.  ‘Miss Pollard, it is my pleasure to introduce the Earl of Irvine. Lord Irvine, this is Miss Fiona Pollard.’”

“Andrew, that was perfect. We’re going to make a proper British gentleman out of you yet.”

“Oh, I don’t know.  I just introduced a man with an old and important hereditary title to a girl whose grandfather was a tanner, and whose grandmother was a street vendor.  I think I’m well on the way to making Americans out of all of you.” 

“Touché, Andrew.  I’m excited to be going to America.”

“Love, I’m excited to introduce my country to you.  You know, I have to return, to see to a few important things, and I feel blessed to have your help with that now.  Once that is done, I will need you to tell me what you want.  My business can be run from almost anywhere, and this is your home, where your family lives and where your important work takes place.”

She considered what he had told her.  “Andrew, I thought that when I hoped to be married, my husband would tell me where we were to live and how I would spend my time.  I can’t truly grasp being given a choice or being allowed to make the decision.”

“And do you think allowing men to dictate the course of women’s lives is a good thing or a bad thing?”

Katherine looked up at Andrew’s face.  She couldn’t read his eyes, but she followed his line of sight to the other side of the room to see Ceana standing quietly, observing.  “I have to go talk to her, Andrew.”

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