Chapter 13: Spy

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Kaede came back with the comforter in her hands and showed Ina, her eyes were surprised by this item, it seemed to be really wonderful to warm up. The nights were always cold, a comforter would be great for those nights.

Ina touched Masayasu's hand and Kaede saw her gesture and smiled gently. She knelt before the couple and touched their hands and looked from Masayasu's blue eyes to Ina's violet eyes.

"Be happy. You're still young, enjoy life together, have confidence and loyalty to each other that your marriage will be forever."

Kaede spoke with a big smile coming to her lips. Ina was a little surprised by her words and then looked into Masayasu's face and smiled tenderly. Even though he wasn't her true husband, she already felt that way about him, she hoped this relationship would last forever.

Masayasu looked at Ina when he realized she was looking at him and then smiled a little. She could see his smile and then smiled warmly and looked at Kaede, placing a hand on her own cheek.

"Thank you for your kind words. Otsu-san and I have been married recently, but we have been happy together. I hope you are right and our marriage is forever."

She smiled allowing a slight blush to appear on her cheeks. It was the first time she was walking with Masayasu as a real couple, and the feeling was good. Her heart filled with happiness at having him with her.

"Did you choose the kimono my girl?"

Kaede asked showing the kimono to Ina. As she watched, Masayasu looked at her, at that moment he could see her hime's side, delicate and smooth side, while choosing a kimono, but she was still unlike any hime he had ever met. The others would surely be yelling at Kaede to show them the kimono, and to dress them up while choosing the kimono. Ina was unlike any other, gentle as a breeze and strong as a rock.

"I liked that red kimono, it's beautiful. And I'm going to have the black men's kimono. As you can see my husband likes black."

Ina smiled at Kaede who nodded several times as she looked from Ina to Masayasu and met his blue eyes now watching her. Kaede can tell that he was a quiet man, typical of most samurai, although there was always a very different samurai from the class.

"I'm going to roll up the kimono, but hang up as soon as you get to the Inn so you don't wrinkle ok? And take it easy tomorrow to have some tea with me and see the fabrics. Your husband is welcome if he's feeling better."

Kaede looked at Masayasu and smiled at him. He just nodded and looked at Ina, she was taking her bag of coins out of the kimono, and took some coins and put them in Kaede's hand.

"Oh darling is a lot, I need to give back the change." Kaede spoke while looking at the coins in her hand.

"No, please stay. I'll be back tomorrow anyway. Thank you for your hospitality, Kaede-san."

Ina spoke with a cheerful smile, although she got precious information, she had liked Kaede and would definitely come to visit her whenever she could.

"I'll take you to the door, but come back, I'm sure you will calmly look at the fabrics and like them."

Kaede stood up with a smile. Ina and Masayasu got up and took their hats. Ina pinned her hat to Masayasu, he was lifting the comforter and the two rolled-up kimono. Ina put her hat on herself and followed Kaede to the door.

Ina bent to put the tabi on Masayasu, Kaede observed her careful gesture, few women were as careful with her husband, only those who really loved her husband, as she saw that this girl loved.

Ina put on her own sandals, stood up and bowed to Kaede with a cheerful smile. Masayasu bowed too.

"I'll be back tomorrow."

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