Chapter 22: The march to war

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Ina was standing at the Sanada clan camp. She watched the men walking from side to side, warming up with movements with the yari to start the battle. She knew they were determined to fight for the clan, but she could see that some were afraid to look, she didn't blame them.

She saw Yukimura approach her and stop beside her and look at the men preparing at the camp. He looked at Ina and saw concern in her violet eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?" Yukimura started and Ina nodded.

"When my uncle sent you think this is going to be a problem for Otsu-sama?"

He asked seeing Ina's eyes widen a little. Just seeing that reaction, he was sure it wasn't a good idea from his uncle.

"Chie-san?" Yukimura spoke.

Ina looked down and then she looked at the camp thinking about how to say this to Yukimura, maybe she should be honest with him. She then looked at Yukimura and saw his eyes looking at her face.

"Sorry, I know it was your uncle's good intention, but Otsu only has me, he only trusts me. Sasuke tried to attack me a few nights ago, so he doesn't trust Sasuke, sending Jinpachi there was a mistake. He is already working with Sasuke against his will, having Jinpachi there is going to cause problems. If he kills one of the two I don't want him to be held responsible for that, he's just going to defend himself."

Ina spoke in a serious tone and Yukimura was surprised by her words. Sasuke tried to attack her, he didn't want this to happen. Sasuke was his friend and knowing that he tried to attack Chie made him think that Sasuke was still the same, he was just better with him.

Yukimura looked directly into Ina's eyes and nodded at her in agreement with her words.

"If that happens I won't allow your husband to be guilty of anything. I can understand his reasons. After all Sasuke tried to hurt his wife. I don't blame Otsu-sama."

Yukimura smiled a little looking at Ina, it was a smile to calm her down. He couldn't imagine how worried she was because she didn't share her pain, if she was extremely worried she didn't show it, but he could see that she wasn't comfortable.

A messenger came running into the field with a letter. Yukimura and Ina looked at each other and ran towards him. The messenger on seeing Yukimura quickly knelt down on one knee and offered the letter to Yukimura.

Yukimura took the letter and opened it and recognized his father's handwriting. Ina stood beside Yukimura and looked from the letter to his face, he looked like he was reading, she knew he would say something when he finished reading.

Yukimura clasped the letter in his hand with a very serious expression, he frowned, Ina could see that he looked angry, she still didn't know his temper when he was angry. Then she saw him look at her.

"My father told me that Ujinao is following his father's orders. The Hojo clan is undergoing a trial of loyalty by the Tokugawa clan. The Hojo clan betrayed us, my father and Otsu were right, Ieyasu Tokugawa must have read the letters that my father exchanged with Ujimasa-sama."

He paused, still looking at Ina's face, he could see concern in her eyes, maybe she was expecting the worst news in the world. But perhaps it was the worst, after all if the Hojo Clan was following Ieyasu's orders, Ieyasu would certainly not send help to the Sanada clan, even though the clan was his ally, Ieyasu would certainly consider it a great betrayal by the letters.

"The war is going to happen, there is no going back. My father says that Ujinao allowed him to return to our camp. So by 2pm he is here, we need to send a messenger to Otsu. We will attack when the sun starts to set."

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