The Note

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We were all asleep for a while until we heard the sound of running and screaming in the halls. We all woke up and went out to see what all the ruckus was about. When we opened the door someone was running down the hall and we managed to stop them.

"What's going on?" Jos asked the girl.

"Someone.. something is attacking the dining hall!" She said.

"Let's go!" Ava said, which surprised us all since she just got her powers. When we got into the dining hall we saw someone trapped underneath a table, when we got it off we were shocked to see who it was.

"What are you doing here!?" Ava asked.

"I could say the same thing to you, you just disappeared without a text or a call!" Tyler said. "But since it looks like you have a secret let me share mine first. I'm a shapeshifter, the really rare kind that can turn into anything they have seen before."

"Oh my God, really!? Well I have a dead person protecting me from harm so... yeah." Ava replied.

"We can catch up later, we need to take down this gorilla thing!" Jos said as she pointed to the blue gorilla destroying everything. We came up with a plan, Ava and Reed were going to move the tables into a corral and Josalyn was going to tie them together using vines, while Tyler turned into a tiger to lead him into it, and I would put it unconscious. It didn't work as expected, the gorilla went after me instead. It took a swipe at me and it some how didn't hit me, but the next thing I knew I was a foot tall. I turned into a mouse! I turned back somehow and teleported into the corral so it would follow me. Then once it was in I put it unconscious and it turned into a small girl.

"You're a shapeshifter!" Reed said.

"I can turn into a mouse?" I said looking confused because that has never happened before.

"We need to go find Zach, and tell he if he doesn't already know about the attack." Tyler said as he leaded us to Zach's office. When we entered it was completely empty other then his desk and a sheet off paper on top of it. The paper said

Dear Tate and friends,
Thank you for catching my weapon for me, now I will be able to use your parents to make me the strongest human being on Earth and you won't be able to stop me. Even if you are the rarest type of shapeshifter and have a shadow spirit. Try and stop me.

P.s. I took your cousins with me since they are all very strong fighters that will do wonders fighting against you.


"They won't fight against you, will they?" Ava asked.

"No, only if they are put under the potion my parents used." I said.

"Well we need to stop him, if he gets a hold of that potion he will be able to put the whole town under mind control, then he will come after us." Jos said.

"Then it looks like we need to fight."

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