Untitled Note (2)

38 5 1

She texted me. Well, replied to my text. But it took her such a long time. She may be telling the truth about how she's not online much or she didn't really want to talk to me then. But it didn't take her that long as the others, it wasn't a month long wait.

I'm pathetic, getting pumped up about a simple "hello" from her. She just said hello, no big deal. Isn't it normal to reply to someone you know?

I don't know if I should consider myself lucky that I didn't see her message right away or not. I probably am, I had a reason why I haven't replied yet because of that.

But should I reply? What do you even reply to hello? Start a conversation like a normal person? Look up conversation starters in the internet?

Being socially awkward is such a pain in the neck. If only I wasn't like this I'd be closer to more people.

But this is my chance. If I reply then I'll gain a new friend.


Will I wait that long for a reply again?

Am I expecting too much again?

Maybe I'll just be better off being a shut-in after all.

Notes of a Semi Hopeless Romantic GuyWhere stories live. Discover now