Shall I cover up what I want to say by disguising them as poetry?

Nah, too much work. Plus I'm not that poetic anyway. Well, I just want to admit how much I regret deleting my past notes. Sure they are embarrassing but my notes helped me remembered the things I wanted to remember.

This is the hopeless romantic side of me saying "those notes would've been nice to look back on when we miraculously get together, she'd know how I felt way back then". Man I'm cheezy.

Is it normal to be like this?

What am I talking about? Normal and being me is not something that's supposed to be a thing. I'm either below or above normal levels, no in between.

No, that doesn't seem right.

I guess I am normal; normal, bland, boring, everything that's in between. I was never too good at something or too bad at something, it was always always in between.

That's right, I'm the neutral character. I'd like to say I'm a jack of all trades but a master of none. It suites me. It suites normal, background character me.

Which is exactly the reason why I started writing notes. To remind myself that even in my black and white, monochromatic life, I had a few pages in my book that was colored.

She brings those colors.

Notes of a Semi Hopeless Romantic GuyWhere stories live. Discover now