chapter 38 Haven Academy and a Raven

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3rd person POV.

Currently Team RNJR Professor Lionheart office speaking to the Headmaster of Haven Academy.

Lionheart: i have to say Qrow this all seems very Reckless even for you

Qrow: No Reckless is leaving one of the relics completely unguarded it's not checking in with Oz for ages.

Lionheart: there was nothing to check in about until now of course now the council is at odds with Atlas at first it was just about the Dust embargo and now it's about the closing of borders I don't know what happened to James in Vale but it only seems to have worsened somehow his more unfortunate tendencies and on top of everything we don't even know where the spring Maiden is.

Qrow: all the more reason we need the Huntsman and huntresses here.

Ruby: okay okay things are bad they're bad but we can figure this out why is the spring Maiden so important?

Lionheart: I thought you felt them in

Qrow: mostly filled in look there's a lot to cover okay? I quit teaching for a reason

Qrow pulls out his hip flask and takes a drink from it and Professor Lionheart sits down behind his desk.

Lionheart: the four maidens each have the power to perform Feats of magic and they are the only ones capable of reaching the relics.

Jaune: What?!

Qrow: the relics are each locked inside a chamber that can only be opened by a specific Maiden winter for the gift of creation summer for Destruction fall for choice and spring for knowledge spring is the problem.

Ren: what happened to her?

Lionheart: she was determined at first when she inherited her powers but the weight of responsibility proved to be too much for the child she ran abandon her training everyone that was over a decade ago there's no telling where she could be now

Qrow: I know at least I have a pretty good idea

Lionheart stands up in excitement.

Lionheart: are you serious?

Qrow: it's not exactly good news

Professor Lionheart stood up from his desk and put his hands on Qrow's shoulders.

Lionheart: what are you talkin about this is incredible news after all these years where?

Qrow then pushed Professor Lionheart off of him.

Qrow: I did some digging around it looks like after spring ran away she was picked up by Bandits specifically the Branwen tribe.

Lionheart: Raven

Ruby gasps knowing who Raven is

Jaune: Yang's mom?

Qrow: that's right

Crow then pulls out his scroll and places it on top of Professor Lionheart desk the scroll then projects an image of a map suddenly part of the map enhancers itself to show a certain location.

Qrow: that's about where they've set up their main camp it's where they fall back two after raids and scouting missions Raven's managed to gain a lot of followers since she returned to the tribe and I'm sure when the spring Maiden showed up it only made things easier.

Lionheart walked up to Qrow placed his hand on Qrow's shoulder.

Lionheart well Crow I've got to hand it to you with these coordinates we can mount a retrieval force and head out in a few weeks.

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