(Y/N) (L/N) is a man who has lived for thousands of years and has walked the paths of both the Jedi and the sith. He now walks a brand new path to A Whole New World full of monsters and soon to come friends and foes.
RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth
(Y/n) and his group have made it into the castle and Right now the others are holding back the forces of Grimm and trying to take out as many as they can fast as they can meanwhile aboard the Destiny Penny and Hektor/HK97 are dealing with their own problems a few aerial Grimm managed to get aboard and now they are trying to clear them out using the remaining Droid forces aboard and even having to jump into The Fray themselves.
Hektor/Penny POV.
Right now both Hektor and Penny are on board the destiny in the Hangar Bay fighting off the forces of Grimm Hektor is wielding his lightsaber in one hand while wielding his E-11 Blaster rifle and his other hand while penny is wielding multiple swords at once Hektor man just to kill three Griffins with three single shots of his blaster Penny slash and hacked away at the forces of Grimm. Try to surround her soon a large Queen Lancer try to kill her with its stinger but missed Penny transformed her swords into their Blaster modes and fired a large blast of energy at the queen Lancer instantly blowing it back killing it and sending it flying out of the ship down to the ground below.
Hektor look towards penny with a smile on his face.
Hektor: oh my Force you are so hot when you do that.
Penny: why thank you you're pretty good-looking yourself and you swing that lightsaber around hot stuff.
Hektor then managed to get a Griffin into a headlock and managed with little effort to snap its neck killing it instantly.
Penny turn around to see a Lancer coming at her with stinger primed and ready to kill her but she managed to duck out of the way in time to avoid lethal attack Hektor through his lightsaber in a spinning Ark towards the Lancer without time to react the Lancer was cut in half by the lightsaber Hektor use the special magnet in his hand to recall the lightsaber to his hand once the lightsaber was back in his hand he reignited it's blade and continue to slash and hack away at the Grimm aboard the ship after a few minutes of fighting all the Grimm were eliminated that managed to get aboard the destiny.
Hektor: that's the last of them my love.
Penny: yep that was fun
Suddenly the ship began to rock and Shake violently as if it were hit by something massive a loud whooping alarm began to blare it's loud call.
Penny: what's going on?
Hektor: proximity warning something's attached itself to ship.
Hektor went over to a computer panel and check the cameras outside and managed to see two large Dragon Grimm are now climbing aboard the destiny trying to rip it apart from the outside.
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One has positioned itself on the bottom and the other has positioned itself on the top and now it's starting to drip and deploy more Grimm onboard the ship.