chapter 39 the Raven's call

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Darth Venomous POV.

Currently in the land of Darkness Salem, Cinder, and Darth Venomous Stan's in the meeting room of Salem's Castle waiting for a communication from Arthur Watts and Leonardo Lionheart Salem sits there on her throne staring at her see your Grimm.

Salem: Venomous tell me how are you doing? How is your training going? Is everything to your liking?

Darth Venomous: I'm doing fine my love my training is going better than I'd ever hoped and yes everything is most certainly to my liking.

Salem: good

The Seer Grimm suddenly starts receiving a communication from its sister Seer Grimm.

Lionheart: your grace are you there?

Salem: hello Leonardo do you have something to report?

Lionheart: of course ma'am I would not waste your time if not

Watts: I'm still just so fascinated by this creature Cinder dear are we coming through clear? Can you see us clearly? Well as clearly as you can.

Darth Venomous: HA HA HA good one

Cinder: shut the hell up

Watts: Oh goodie you've recovered

Salem: your report what is it?

Lionheart: I've I've found the spring Maiden

Salem: is that so? Well done Arthur had I known how useful you'd be in Expediting this process I would have sent you a long long ago.

Watts: as much as I'd love to take credit ma'am I can't say either of us are to thank for this development I guess you could say A little birdie told us.

Salem: explain

Lionheart you see man Qrow Branwen arrived at Haven Academy earlier today he believes that spring has taken residence with his sister's tribe.

Cinder: is (Y/n) with them?

Lionheart: no (Y/n) (L/n) was not in attendance.

Salem raise her hand to silence Cinder.

Salem: and you know of the tribe's location?

Lionheart: yes ma'am! But you have to hurry Qrow has already sent someon-

Salem becomes annoyed by Leonardo's arrogant ramblings Salem commands her Seer Grimm to start strangling the life out of Leonardo and by her command the other seer Grimm starts to strangle Leonardo Lionheart.

Salem: Leonardo do you remember the first time we met? I remember I remember your fear but since that day you've been extraordinarily Brave I won't forget all that you've done for me do not forget everything I can do to you.

Leonardo continues to gasp for air as the Seer Grimm moves one of its spiked tendrils towards his face threatening to stab him in the face The Seer Grimm releases Leonardo from its grasp and he falls to the ground gasping for air see your gram then releases Leonardo Lionheart and he falls to the ground gasping for air.

Salem: Now then you were saying Leonardo?

Lionheart: Qrow has sent (Y/n) to the Branwen tribe camp.

Cinder clenches her fists in anger but keeps silent.

Salem: well we'll have to take care of this immediately Cinder you and your team will meet up with Doctor Watts and together will convince Raven branwen that the survival of her people depends on her cooperation.

Cinder: and if (Y/n) has already convinced Raven to join him what should I do then?

Salem placed her fingers on her chin and begin to start contemplating what to do until inspiration struck her like a lightning.

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