Butter flies

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You stare out of the window of the taxi, you have a long ride ahead of you! You've never been one for talking to strangers like the cab driver so you decide to just put your earphones in. You settle on one of your favourite artists, Twenty one pilots. 

In a few hours, you'll be face to face with Ze, you start to feel even more nervous and worry a little, what if he's changed? What if  I've changed?  what if he doesn't like me any more? Its been so long! 3 years has passed without seeing him.. what if this is all a mistake?

When you moved away 4 years ago, both you and Ze were devastated! You kept in contact for a year but you just stopped for no apparent reason.. He just stopped replying.. you never spoke to him for 3 years until a week ago when he text you "Hey (y/n), its Ze! Want to meet up? :) ♡". How he got your  latest number, you don't know but you never thought to question him.

The sights you see outside the window grow familiar as the memories of this town comes flooding back. You haven't been back since you stopped talking to Ze so a lot has changed,there's more modern buildings dotted along the streets which are all new to you. You grow more nervous at the thought of getting lost or Ze not seeing you in the crowds of people.

Your mind settles as the cab slows down with a small white and black building in sight. "Marcos café" you whisper to yourself,  nothings changed! Marcos café was Ze and yours favourite place to go, you went together everyday after school.

"Is this the right place?" The cab driver asks as he pulls up next the curb, outside the café.

"Yeah, this is it". You pay the driver and get out of the cab. You stand there as you watch the yellow cab, drive away. No turning back now..

You walked into Marcos café and took a seat in a booth by a window.

You become very nervous and feel sick, he should be here any minute, butterflies fill your stomach at the thought.

Will he recognise me? Will I recognise him? I dont even know what he looks like any more! All right (y/n), look out for light brown hair and gorgeous green eyes on a adorable guy. Wait? Adorable? I don't think about people like that! He could be the opposite,  it doesn't matter though. 

You start thinking about how you had a massive crush on Ze throughout your childhood and you guess it never really went away..

You shuffle uncomfortably in the blue padded booth as you look out the window. You see two beautiful butterflies,  fly past the window, one red and one (f/c). You smile at the sight. Reminds me of Ze and I..


Isn't she adorable? ~Zeroyalviking x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now