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I am sure the bus should be here by now. The sky is getting darker, I hope I'm not going to be walking to school. I think I'm staying at school for the whole year in the dorms, so I'll have to say goodbye to my family. "Mum! Dad! Alisa!" My older sister Alisa is the first to emerge from our golden wood door. Some of the paint is peeling on the outside of our house, I hope my dad fixes it soon. My mum and dad come out of the house next, my dad still tying his tie. My front lawn has always been spectacular, with its lush green blades and fresh dirt. Although it might just be that no one else on our street has any living grass, or any living nature at all.

Fake grass has become popular in every state across the world, and especially in the middle of Australia. That's where I live. In Australia. Our whole world is changing from nature to prosthetic and plastic things. From inflatable flowers to astro turf parks, I don't like how the future is looking.

I wish that someone would help. I sigh and look up at the sky.

"Wouldn't it be nice if they still had trees and flowers like us? I miss the feel of nature, and I think it may be affecting our health." I turn to look at my family.

"Mrs Glyndon was taken to hospital today mum. They think she breathed in too much gas or something, but I know it's the fact that there's no more oxygen from trees. They're only ensuring our doom." I know that my mum didn't know about Mrs Glyndon. Mum hardly ever goes outside anymore, and if she does she makes sure to only go close to where the fake grass hasn't taken over. The government can't do this to us.

I hope my new school is full of beautiful lush forests with real wooden trees and beautiful fragrant flowers. I miss the sound, feel and smell of nature. I hate plastic! I hate it! Why do we need it? Why do we need to destroy our perfect world?

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