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"Michael gave me his sweater and jeans im going to put it on so don't look." I said turning my back towards her in the car.

"Well, I brought my sweater and jeans too. Don't look either." She replied as I turn oh back towards her. I take off my shirt and pants and put on the black jeans and white sweater Michael gave me. I put my hands in my sleeves I turn around to look at Cody she was on her typing something when her phone rang.

"It's my dad." She said. I nodded telling her to tell her dad how she feels.


"Cobain Bean Baker where the fuck are you?!" he yelled through the phone.

"I ran away dad." She said confidently.

"You ran away? Oh you better be home by 7 pm or I will find you." He said through the phone.

"dad don't expect me back this evening. You are never going to find me." She said and then she hung up.

"Cobain Bean Baker?" I said laughing, trying to ignore the situation. "Kurt's daughter's middle name. what is yours Lucas?" she said turning towards me with her hands on her hips.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings."

"Hemmings? how interesting. Mines shit." she said laughing.

"Well I love it." I respond, of course making everything more awkward.

"So," I string out. "Who were you texting?" I asked. I'm just curious.

"Well, my only friend, Ashton." she responded, and I instantly got offended, as if she said something hurtful.

"What about me?" I pouted.

"Besides you you goof." She said putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Does he know you ran away?" I asked getting curious again.

"Yes, he does." She respond plainly.

"I don't know what to do now." She said laying back down on the floor of the van.

"Wanna listen to music?" I asked she pulling out my phone. She nodded, and I lay down next to her pressing 'shuffle' on my phone.

runaway [l.h] book 2Where stories live. Discover now