Meant to Be

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"Sarge, a few more weeks!"

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"Sarge, a few more weeks!"

Hank looked up at his newest recruit. "Mae, I get that you want to get this guy. I really do." His tone turned to apologetic. "But we got nothing. Everything is cold. There haven't been more attacks since you and Antonio went UC."

Mae was wanting to punch something. "So, we screwed this up? Scared the perp off?"

"No, Mae. That's not what I'm saying." He sighed. "You two are amongst the best UCs that that CPD has. I know your reputation from New York. Olivia Benson is a straight shooter and she couldn't stop praising your skills and your ability to get the job done. Antonio is the best UC we have... other than Al... I've sent him in in a bunch of different situations and cases and he always gets results."

"Then what the fuck happened?" Mae was exhausted. She had to try one more time. Mae was ready to get on her knees to plead. "We know there's something there!" She slammed her hand against the wall.

"Mae, this isn't coming from me." Hank crossed his arms over his chest. "If I had a say, you'd still be on this, but... it's been over 5 months. Nothing's come of it except you and Antonio playing house and getting to know each other real well."

"Who do I have to go beg to keep this case?" Mae was getting desperate.

"The Superintendent."

Mae turned to leave Voight's office but she was blocked by Antonio's strong frame. "Antonio... come on! You know there's something there."

Antonio stepped into the office, closing the door and leaning against it. "We all do." He sighed. "Sarge, can we keep up the cover, off the record? Still work it and if something comes up, we reopen it entirely and make the arrest by the books."

Voight stroked his jawline. He looked between the two detectives in his office. There was something more to this whole thing, but he also knew that they had a serial out there and until he was caught, there was no way Intelligence would be able to rest easy. "Okay, I'll let you two keep playing house and working this case, but it's the last thing on your mind until something makes it a priority according to protocol. In the meantime, you two will work on the other Intelligence cases like you normally would."

Mae collapsed onto the sofa that was next to the door of Voight's office. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Don't thank me yet... we actually just got a case from Vice... well, actually from the Commander because Vice and Narcotics keep fighting over whose case it is... we get it. Seems like you've both worked with the respective detectives."

"Sarge?" Mae didn't know anybody in the CPD except for those she'd met since she started here.

"Yeah, uh... Antonio, you remember Detective Ford from Vice?"

"Rick Ford?"

"One in the same."

Antonio groaned. "He almost cost me a couple cases back when I first started in Vice. He likes to jump the gun on evidence."

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