Chapter 1

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Alec was feeling quite tired as he sat at his office desk late one night. He held his head in his hand, rubbing his forehead and wishing he could take a break. The resident shadowhunters were flooded with missions lately, which meant Alec was flooded with paperwork, as he was the head of the institute. As Alec was going over some graphs and figures, his phone began to ring. A huge smile immediately spread across his face as he saw who it was. "Hey baby", Alec answered, longing to hear Magnus' voice after a stressful day. "Where are you Alexander?", Magnus asked, sadness in his tone. "Come home so I can make you happy". Alec knew what that meant, and he was very, very tempted, but he knew he had to decline. Alec leaned back in his chair as he responded. "Damn baby you know I want to", he replied, chewing on the end of his pen. "But I have so much stuff to do here, it's not even funny". "Well...", replied Magnus, a smirk in his voice. "I have some work for you to do at home too". Alec chuckled, loving when Magnus got flirty. "Oh yeah baby?", Alec asked. "Why don't you tell me what you'd have me do?". There was a pause before Magnus responded. "I have a better idea", Magnus suddenly said as the line went dead. "Magnus?", Alec asked, thinking he'd lost the call. All of a sudden, however, a portal had opened directly in front of his desk, blowing a few papers onto the floor. In the next second, Magnus stepped through, flourishing his magical fingers to close the portal. "Hello Alexander", Magnus said, stepping toward Alec as he placed his palms on the oak desktop. "Babe", Alec said, happy to see Magnus, but knowing that he didn't have time to socialize. "I'm really happy to see you, but I actually do have work to do. These reports are due by tomorrow". Magnus slowly stood up straight and walked around the desk, allowing his fingertips to trail the perimeter of the surface. Alec followed with his eyes the entire time.

Magnus' slow and sensual movements along with his piercing stare were enough to cause some activity in Alec's private area. "Oh Alexander...", Magnus began as he now stood directly next to his boyfriend. "You can keep doing your work. Don't mind me". Alec chuckled, thinking Magnus maybe just wanted to be with him while he worked. "Ok then", Alec chuckled, turning back to his papers. As Alec began to focus once more, he suddenly felt Magnus' fingertips graze the muscle line on his arm, the light touch sending shivers throughout Alec's body. Alec continued to try to stay focused, however Magnus had other plans. Slowly, but with purpose, Magnus lowered himself to the floor, crawling in front of Alec so he was under the desk, kneeling between Alec's knees. "Magnus!", Alec said, half-serous, but half-laughing. "I really have to get this done babe!". Magnus smirked up at Alec, reaching for his zipper and yanking it down. "Well go ahead", Magnus replied. "Get it done". Suddenly Magnus had pulled Alec's pants completely down to his ankles, revealing his boxer briefs. Alec gasped, feeling very conflicted, as he was very turned on at the moment. Alec also felt weirdly exposed, never having been pant less in his office before. Magnus chuckled, noticing the bulge in Alec's underwear. "It would seem you're not as focused as you say you are baby...". Alec just stared down at Magnus, knowing he needed to make a decision. "Alexander, obviously I'll stop if you really want me too, but its just... we've been trying to have sex for days now and you're always too busy. I thought this way, we could kill two birds with one stone", Magnus finished, raising his eyebrow and waiting for Alec's approval. Eventually, Alec responded. "I'm not stopping you, am I?", he said, turning his attention back to his papers. Magnus laughed, knowing he had the go ahead. Suddenly Alec felt his boyfriend's palm rubbing circles on his member through his boxers, wanting to arouse Alec even before he removed the last bit of clothing. "Hmmmm...", Alec moaned as he stared at a graph, no longer comprehending what he was reading.

Alec's eyes fluttered closed as he felt Magnus' hands travel to the elastic band of his underpants, letting his fingertips graze his lower abdomen. "You're breathing so heavily, Alexander. Are you sure you want me to continue?", Magnus teased. "Yes", Alec said in a breathy tone, now leaning back in his chair, his pen dangling out of his mouth and his eyes closed. "Damn baby", Magnus said as he stared up at his boyfriend and slowly began to pull down his boxers. "You look so sexy being the big bad boss in the big bad boss' chair". "Well you said it, Magnus. I'm to boss", Alec said in a dominant tone, flashing his eyes open as Magnus. "Now touch me". "Oh...Yes boss", Magnus said in a soft tone, loving when Alec felt like being dominant, which wasn't often. With that, Magnus turned his eyes back to Alec's now exposed erection. Following orders, Magnus proceeded to grab hold of the shaft, causing Alec to gasp softly and buck his hips slightly. Next, Magnus darted his tongue out, leaving a trail of saliva along Alec's shaft. Alec had to bite on his own finger in order to keep quite, afraid someone walking by might hear him. When Magnus had finished licking Alec, wiggling his tongue at the tip, he began to move his hand up and down the now lubricated erection. "Faster!", Alec said assertively, causing chills to spread throughout Magnus' body. He immediately followed orders, vigorously moving his hand up and down, making precum exit Alec's erection. Alec had his hands griping onto the arms of his chair as he stared into Magnus' eyes. "I want your mouth on me. Now". "Yes boss", Magnus replied, now looking straight at Alec's dick. With a deep breath, Magnus relaxed his throat, first taking in the head of Alec's penis, wrapping his lips around its grooves and sucking hard. "Oh fuck...", Alec whispered, leaning his head back, his chest heaving. "Hmmm... you like that baby?", Magnus asked, leaving a trail of saliva on Alec's shaft. "Get your mouth back on me", Alec demanded. "I want to feel the back of your throat". "Oh fuck yes boss", Magnus replied, taking in all of Alec. TBC...

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