Chapter 2

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As Magnus wrapped his mouth along Alec's entire erection once more, he could no longer stifle his feelings. Alec leaned his head forward and slammed his hands on the desktop, creating a cloud of papers in the air as he quietly moaned. Meanwhile, Magnus was caressing Alec's legs with both of his hands as he relaxed his mouth, allowing his boyfriend's large erection to tickle the back of his throat. "Ahhh...", Alec let out as his eyes rolled back in his head. It had been too long. Suddenly, as Alec received his pleasure from Magnus underneath the desk, there was a loud knock on the door. Alec panicked, looking down at Magnus who had removed Alec from his mouth, and held up his finger, signalling for Magnus to be quiet. "Ummm...come in!", Alec said, trying his best to act natural, picking up some papers which he pretended to read. "Hello Sir", said Underhill as he walked into the office. "I just need your signature for a mission approval". "Ah yes", Alec said, reaching for the paper, but jolting slightly as he felt Magnus' tongue begin to graze the head of his dick once again. "Are you alright sir?", Underhill asked, as he stood in front of the desk, not able to see Magnus below. "Oh yes!", Alec chuckled nervously, quickly signing the paper as Magnus' movements continued to increase. Alec handed the page back to Underhill. "It's just been a long night and I have much more business to attend to. Thank you Underhill". "Right... umm thank you Sir", Underhill replied, turning to leave with an expression of bewilderment still plastered across his face. When Underhill had left and was out of earshot, Alec whisper-yelled at Magnus below him. "Magnus! What were you thinking?! We could have"—but Alec was suddenly cut off as he was experiencing immense amounts of pleasure. After several minutes, Alec came back to his senses, wanting Magnus to pay for almost getting them caught.

"Magnus! I'm the boss and I'm telling you to stop". Magnus immediately stopped sucking Alec's dick, looking up at him with a deviously innocent expression, an expression that made Alec's dick throb even more. Suddenly, Alec leaned down to connect their lips, the boyfriends allowing their tongues to mingle with one another, enjoying each other's hot, sweet breath. Alec broke the kiss, grabbing Magnus' chin saying, "Stand up". "Yes boss", Magnus replied, crawling out from under the desk and standing up directly in front of Alec. Alec leaned back in his chair, lifting his eyebrow in a sexy manner as he spoke. "I think I need to punish you for almost getting us caught", Alec continued, studying his sexy warlock. "Yes. Punish me boss", Magnus replied, gulping as he felt his own erection grow at Alec's dominance. Alec thought for a moment, rubbing his own chin with his long fingers, and finally gave Magnus and order. "Remove your pants, warlock, or I might have to write you up for insubordination". Magnus let out a small whimper, his excitement growing exponentially. "Whatever you say boss", Magnus replied, quickly undoing his zipper and button, yanking his pants down and throwing them to the side. As Magnus stood there in his underwear, Alec spoke again. "Now magic the door locked. We cant have anyone interrupting our business meeting", Alec smirked, grabbing his own erection and moving his hand up and down to keep himself aroused as he enjoyed watching Magnus. The warlock did as he was told, blue sparks emanating from his fingers as they heard the blot turn in the door. "Ok...", Alec continued. "Now it's time for your punishment. Remove the rest of your clothes. I want you completely naked". "Anything for you boss. I need to learn my lesson", Magnus played along as he quickly stripped off his shirt and boxers, standing in all his glory before his boyfriend. "Hmmm...", Alec thought, still enjoying the view as he pleasured himself. "Turn around".

Magnus did what he was told, breathing heavily in anticipation. Alec let go of his own erection, now reaching around Magnus to pull out a ruler from his desk drawer. "I think someone needs a spanking". "Fuck yes", Magnus responded, his own erection starting to stand up. Alec started off gentle, first slowly rubbing his hands around Magnus' perfect ass, giving the cheeks a few small kisses which caused Magnus to produce several moans of pleasure. "Right there", Alec pressed into Magnus' ass with is pointer finger. "That's where I'll spank you. But remember, you have to be quiet, warlock". "Yes boss. No matter how much I want to scream or moan, I will be quiet for you". "Good boy", Alec replied, loving how submissive Magnus was willing to be for him. Alec first tickled Magnus with the edge of the ruler, then without much warning, smacked him fairly hard in the spot he identified earlier. Magnus inhaled sharply, trying his very best not to gasp too loudly as he leaned forward and grabbed the edge of the desk. "Do you like your punishment?", Alec asked, feeling a surge of adrenaline through his veins. Magnus simply nodded, wanting to follow his boyfriend's rules about being quiet.

"Do you think you need more punishment to learn your lesson, Bane?", Alec whispered in a seductive tone while softly stroking his fingers along Magnus' inner thigh. "Mmm hmm", Magnus whimpered as he nodded yes, wanting nothing more than to feel that pain and pleasure once again. Alec, being a kind boss, decided to give him what he wanted, smacking Magnus once more in the same spot with the ruler, but a bit harder this time. This time, Magnus leaned his head back and squinted his eyes closed, biting his lip in an effort not to yell. "Well...", Alec thought, placing the ruler down and seeing the red mark left on Magnus' ass cheek. "I think you learned your lesson", Alec continued, smoothing over the irritated skin softly with his thumb and kissing the hot spot lightly. "You are so sexy Magnus", Alec continued, now allowing his kisses to travel along Magnus' ass. "Spread your legs. Now. I want to see your beautiful hole", Alec demanded, gaining intense satisfaction as he watched Magnus perform his every whim. Alec was sitting at the perfect height to have some fun with Magnus' entrance. TBC...

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