Chapter 6

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Alec's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he whipped his head to look straight at Magnus in surprise. Alec said nothing, just processing what Magnus had just asked him. "Alexander, when you asked to move in a couple of months ago, I wanted you to be sure, and I wanted you to know that you could have your life outside of us, and I still feel that way, but I find myself missing you every second you are away. I will completely understand if you need or want more time, but I'm just letting you know that I don't. I want you with me. Always", continued Magnus, now gripping firmly onto the back of Alec's neck. "I want to wake up with you there, I want to cook dinner for you, and see your clothes in my closet. I want to have sex with you any time we want and not have to schedule it or worry about when we can be together. I'm tired of waiting. I want to build my life with you, and this is the first step", Magnus finished, now allowing Alec to speak. "Baby", Alec began, grabbing onto Magnus' free hand and looking down. "When I asked you about moving in a few months ago, you seemed so sure that we needed more time. Are you positive this is what you want? I don't want you to feel pressure just because I want to live with you".As Alec spoke, Magnus shook his head and said, "Alexander look at me". Alec looked up with caution in his eyes, not wanting to be rejected once again. "I wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't sure my love. I am 1,000% sure that you are the man I want to be with forever and I want to start that forever with us under that same roof. Do you still want to live with me baby?", Magnus asked, uncertainty and vulnerability in his eyes. With out another word, Alec connected their lips once again, lingering on the soft feeling of them gilding together. As the kiss separated, Alec whispered, "Yes Magnus. Of course I do. I choose you, for the rest of my life". The two kissed once again, Alec's important papers completely forgotten on his desk. 'I'll finish them tomorrow', Alec thought as he spent the rest of the night with his new roommate. THE END.

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