Chapter 5

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Magnus had lost his breath, very surprised, but very turned on at the same time as his body lay up against the cold office wall. "Anything for you baby", Magnus replied, bracing himself against the wall with his hands and sticking his ass out for Alec to have a good angle. Alec, with his hand still gripping his boyfriend's shoulder, reached out with his other to caress Magnus' spine, all the way down to his entrance. "I love you", Alec whispered as he gripped onto his own erection and reconnected it with Magnus' entrance. Magnus moaned loudly as his tightness wrapped around Alec's member once again. "I love you too", Magnus managed to pant. Alec began to thrust once more, the slapping sounds returning to the room. Magnus had his face pressed against the wall, feeling his chest heave in and out against it as Alec entered his hole over and over again. Suddenly, Magnus' knees buckled as Alec found his prostate. Magnus whined in pleasure, falling slightly against the wall. Alec reached out to grab onto Magnus' torso, seeing that his boyfriend was having trouble holding himself up through the pleasure. "Am I making you weak baby?". Magnus simply nodded, hardly holding himself up as Alec continued to stimulate that perfect area inside of him. In the next second, Alec was removing himself from Magnus once more, sweeping the warlock, up into his arms, and carrying him over to the leather couch in the middle of his office. "Alexander!", Magnus said through laughs. "What are you doing now?". With that, Alec laid Magnus down on his back, climbing on top of him in a straddling position. "Well", Alec began, stroking Magnus' chin with the tip of his finger.

"I want you to be comfortable and not have to think about standing up if you want to just let go". Magnus smiled, his heart being touched my Alec's caring gesture. Without another word, Alec had connected them down below once more, able to kiss each other in this position. Magnus gripped onto Alec's hips with his legs, pulling Alec deeper inside of him with each thrust. Alec joined his lips with Magnus' enjoying the gasps and moans that echoed into his mouth as Magnus received the good feelings Alec was causing. "Baby", Magnus breathed. "Let me kiss your neck", Magnus said as he felt his climax approaching. Magnus knew that kissing Alec's deflect rune was a great way to send him over the edge and he wanted them to cum at the same time. Alec chuckled and smiled his beautiful smile as he leaned his head to the side to give Magnus room. Magnus gripped onto the back of Alec's head as his lips found Alec's deflect rune, tracing the pattern with his tongue. Magnus opened and closed his lips against Alec's Adam's apple, loving how this made Alec shiver and contract his body deeper in his hole. Magnus knew the end was near for him as Alec increased his speed being so turned on by Magnus' movements on his neck. "Alexander. Baby I'm going to cum", Magnus whispered against his neck. "Me too", Alec grunted. Alec began to slowly pull out of Magnus, but the warlock stopped him with his legs, shoving him back inside. "Cum inside of me baby", Magnus said, now taking his face away from Alec's neck to look in his eyes. "Really?", Alec asked. "Yes really. I want to feel your sweet hot release inside of my body Alexander". "Oh fuck", Alec replied, thrusting harder and harder now until he came, hard and fast inside of Magnus. The hot feeling inside of him, along with beating himself off, sent Magnus over the edge at almost the same time. Magnus released all over his own hand and a bit on Alec's chest as their moans of pleasure and satisfaction filled the room.

"Damn Alexander. I know you love my dick inside of you, but you fucked me so good. We're going to have to do that more often", Magnus said as the two men basked in the afterglow of their orgasms. Alec chuckled, connecting their lips once more for a slow and sensual kiss, loving the taste of Magnus' breath. In the next moment, Alec slowly removed himself from Magnus, playfully slapping his dick against Magnus' ass once more. Alec then looked down at Magnus and his chest. "Fuck baby", said Alec, looking at the mess Magnus made. "You came so much", Alec finished as he ran his fingertips through the cum on Magnus' chest and pubic hair. "Hmmmmm", Magnus moaned, loving how Alec wasn't afraid to get dirty. "Well Alexander, you're that good at fucking my ass that you made me cum this much". Alec laughed loudly, now climbing off of Magnus and sitting up. Magnus followed Alec's lead now sitting up directly next to him and snapping his magical fingers to clean off all their release. Magnus leaned up against Alec's chest as the shadowhunter draped his arm over the warlock. Magnus snuggled up to Alec's neck, leaving small and tender kisses on his collarbone. "Well Alexander", Magnus began. "Thank you for letting me come bother you at work". Alec laughed in response. "Well you're just too sexy to resist", Alec said, kissing Magnus' forehead. "Well so are you Alexander. Never in my 800 years have I been so desperate to get laid by someone that I came to seduce him or her at their place of work". Alec chuckled and blushed, hating compliments. "But you do that to me Alexander. You make me crazy", Magnus whispered, kissing Alec's jaw and tracing his fingers along the man's runes on his chest, something he did to feel comfort and show love. "Well", Alec began. "I'm sorry it had to take that much effort to get me in bed with you". "More like in office with me", Magnus joked, causing the boyfriends to chuckle. "Actually", Magnus began, feeling suddenly nervous. "I kind of had and idea about that. How would you feel about...moving in with me Alexander?". TBC...

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