Chapter 3

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Alec allowed his thumbs to trail the sensitive skin around Magnus' entrance, enjoying how the man squirmed at his touch. "Magnus...", Alec suddenly whispered, all traces of playfulness and dominance gone. "I know we don't usually do this but...", Alec continued, starting at Magnus' beauty. "You want to be on top Alec?", Magnus asked, knowing how Alec felt uncomfortable expressing his sexual desires sometimes. "Yes", Alec whispered, still moving his thumbs. 'I'm not sure why, I'm just having this urge to fill you", Alec continued, still leaving kisses on Magnus' smooth skin. "Be my guest baby. It's been a long time since I've been filled by you. And it's not weird, ok? It makes sense if you're feeling dominant. It can give you a nice sense of control", Magnus replied, his excitement through the roof. Alec chuckled, loving how Magnus always made him feel comfortable and at ease. Without further discussion, Alec slowly lowered his head to position his mouth in front of Magnus' entrance, connecting his lips with the sensitive skin. "Ahhh...", Magnus gasped, loving the light touch. Alec proceeded to circle his tongue around Magnus' rim, loving the warmth. As Alec continued his movements, Magnus had to grip tighter to the desk as his body vibrated in ecstasy. Alec was still giving Magus a rim job as he began to reach around the front of Magnus' body and grab onto his penis, stimulating it as he prepared his boyfriend with his tongue. Magnus' knees began to buckle as he was overwhelmed with his good feelings, craving Alec inside of him. "Boss. Please. I'm ready. Please fill me with your erection", Magnus begged through his moans. Alec took his mouth away from Magnus' hole, getting a devious idea. "Oh I will in time baby. Be patient", Alec replied, now letting go of Magnus' pulsing erection. He need those fingers for something else. 

Alec brought his hand up higher toward Magnus' face saying, "Suck. Now". Magnus did as he was told, sucking on Alec's fingers, wanting Alec to imagine something else Magnus could be sucking on. Alec then violently yanked his fingers out of his boyfriend's mouth and brought them around to Magnus' entrance. With one hand grabbing his hip, Alec used his other hand to insert his wet fingers slowly inside his love. Alec started with one finger, swirling it around and getting even more turned on as he watched Magnus moan and squirm above him. He then inserted a second, causing Magnus to inhale sharply through his teeth. "Are you good baby?", Alec asked, still caring for his boyfriend. "Yes boss. Please keep going", Magnus begged, not sure how much longer he could remain standing. "Well... you've been a good boy, so I suppose I should give you a reward", Alec teased. In the next second, Alec was finger fucking Magnus' hole, aggressively pulling them in and out of his warm, soft walls. Magnus covered his own mouth as he moaned, Alec's new movements and speed increasing his pleasure. "Fuuuu...", Magnus moaned, not even able to finish the word. "Oh boss please I've been so good. Please fill me with your love. Please". Seeing Magus so turned on and yearning for Alec made a glimmer of sadness cross his mind. No matter how horny or dominant Alec was feeling, all he ever really wanted was to please Magnus and make him happy. "You're right baby. You've earned your reward. Now suck my dick and get me ready for you". Alec quickly removed his fingers and without hesitation, Magnus flipped around, kneeling in front of Alec who was still seated in his boss' chair. Magnus had Alec back in his mouth again, leaving extra saliva behind for lubrication for what was about to come. "That's enough warlock", Alec ordered, causing Magnus to stop again. "Now stand up again and turn around. It's time", Alec said in an aggressive tone. Still sitting, Alec leaned is hips forward and grabbed his own dick as he watched Magnus stand and turn around. "Ok baby. You may have a seat", Alec stated, a smirk in his tone.

Magnus chuckled as a surge of anticipation flowed through him. With his ass facing Alec, Magnus backed up until the back of his knees hit Alec's chair. Magnus then reached back to grab onto the arms of the chair as he began to lower himself over Alec. Alec panted as he grabbed onto Magnus' hip, guiding him to the right spot. Magnus wasted no time. As soon as Alec's penis was aligned, he used one hand to cover his own mouth and sat completely down on Alec's dick, screaming in pain and pleasure into his hand. "Hmmm...", Alec moaned, closing his eyes and wrapping both of his muscular arms around Magnus' torso. For several moments, nobody moved, allowing Magnus to grow accustomed to the feeling. Alec kissed Magnus's back, giving him time. "You ok baby?", Alec finally asked. Magnus removed his hand from his own mouth and replied. "Fuck yes baby. More than ok", he said as he started to lift himself up slightly. "I'm going to bounce of you now Alexander", Magnus stated in a sexy tone. "Oh fuck yes", Alec replied, leaning back and grabbing onto Magnus' hips with both of his hands. Magnus still had his hands on the arms of the chair, using his arm strength to bop up and down on Alec's erection. The panting of the two men filled the room and Magnus enjoyed the sensations of Alec's large erection inside of him. Alec was also enjoying the tightness as he watched Magnus' beautiful, round ass slap against his thighs with each movement. Suddenly Magnus began to move faster, creating new sensations of friction for Alec. "Ahhhh...", Alec moaned, leaning forward so his chest was completely against Magnus' back, kissing the crook of his neck as he moved. "You're so big, Alexander", Magnus panted, his head hanging down with each thrust. "You're touching every inch of my walls". "Does it feel good for you baby?", Alec asked, wanting Magnus to enjoy this just was much as he was. "Oh fuck yes Alexander. You have one sweet dick". "Shit baby", Alec suddenly said as he felt a yearning to look into Magnus' cat eyes. "Get up and turn around. I want to look at your face when we fuck". TBC...

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