🩵Moon Glasses x Jersey x Bamboo Hat💚

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Picture was made by me have graditude for it 😋
And Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

(Narrators pov) It was a chill evening in Inkopolis as Bamboo-chan was walking down a street until a burst bomb came out of nowhere and exploded a sleeping gas making the poor yellow green inkling fall......

Bamboo: Huh? W-Where where am I?

Bamboo was shocked to find herself restrained in a pink colored, adorable looking, device.

She began struggling violently for about 5 minutes as soon as she gave up she heard footsteps walking towards the room. She saw two girls whose outfits she recognized and scoffed at them.

Bamboo: You two?! Ugh, well I should've known you two were behind this.

Moon Glasses: Keeheehee should've? Aren't you surprised to see us?

Jersey: Huhu yeah, why aren't you surprised to see us?

Bamboo: Why would I be? The only thing that surprised me, was the fact that I was your next victim on your little list of girls to humiliate. Now release me this instant!

Jersey: Nah ah aah~ can't do that.

Moon Glasses: You see, earlier today in the square we heard your adorable giggle and we couldn't help but, notice the fact that we need to hear over and over so we thought how about you become our next tickle toy?

Bamboo: *mind* Tickling?! Oh god! I heard that they did humiliating things to "adorable" girls but, this is far worse than I imagined! No. I have to stay strong, I won't let them break me. *normal* Ew! As if I would.

Moon: Glasses: Oh well I guess there's always that schoolgirl you were with today as well, maybe we can make you watch as we play with her as well.

Bamboo: *mind* No..they don't mean-oh god! They kidnapped Blazer! *normal* W-What?! YOU BASTARDS I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU!! LET ME GO NOW!!

Moon Glasses: No way! Not with that salty attitude.

Jersey: Yeah, so how about we make it sweet for you.

Moon Glasses handed a heart-shaped remote control to Jersey.

Both: Time for your motivation.

Bamboo: *mind* Motivation?! What motivation?! *Normal* Enough! Let me go!

Moon Glasses: Nooope! That's not gonna happen, switch it on Jersey.

Jersey flipped the switch on the remote control making the device sprout hands Bamboo was trembling a bit. Jersey and Moon Glasses noticed with creepy smiles on their faces, as they started to push buttons making the device's hands wiggle their fingers. They made one hand grab Bamboo's shirt lifting it up revealing her stomach, while the other hand touched her stomach tickling her. Bamboo began struggling even more trying to refuse to giggle or laugh, she couldn't hold it in anymore and bursted into a fit of laughter.

Bamboo: Hahaha hahaha that tickles! Hey! Stop! Hahaha hehehe no no! Nohoho! Hahaha what kind of hahahaha sick shit are you two into?! Hahahahaha hahahahaha!

Jersey: No, not a sick joke we just want to see how adorable you are when you're being tickled huhuhu.

Jersey looked at Moon who was clearly enjoying the look of this by the odd look on her face and some of the drool coming from her mouth, then an idea came to her head.

Jersey: Hey! Moon? Can I try something?

Moon Glasses: Sure, here.

Moon handed the remote to Jersey as she began to press different buttons, making two more hands come out of the tickle torture device and it began touching Bamboo's sides tickling her making her squirm into even more giggles.

Bamboo: Eeep! Hahahahahahaha! No wait! Hahaha plehease hahahahahahaha stop! It tickles toohoho much!

Jersey pressed another button, making 2 more hands come and point out three fingers making them wiggle as they tickled Bamboo's armpits. She couldn't take it anymore and was laughing her heart out.

Bamboo: Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha! Nohohohahaha stop! Please stop! Hahaha nohohohahaha more! Plehehease!

Jersey: Hey Moon? Now that I think about it, how about we tickle her on her feet.

Moon Glasses: Oooh that's a great idea. Lets try it.

Bamboo: No! Please not that! NO!

The last three hands popped out and removed Bamboo's socks and shoes as it began tickling her feet. Bamboo-chan was crying tears of laughter.

Bamboo: Oh cod! Make it stop! Make it stahahahahahap! Hahahahahahaha nohohohahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahaha hahaha it tickles! It tickles!

Moon Glasses: Jersey it's been a while, should we give her a break?

Jersey: Yeah, lets give her a break.

Jersey flipped the switch to off giving Bamboo Hat a chance to catch her breath.

Moon Glasses: My my, very persistent aren't we?

Jersey: Even though you want us to let you go and you try to act tough, you have to admit. You're liking this aren't you?

Moon Glasses: You like this huh? You like this don't you?

Bamboo: What?! No! I don't like this! Please stop this and let me go! *Mind* Wait. I am starting to like this a little bit though. It feels good I... I want them to continue. I want them to tickle torture me for as long as they want to. I want to feel that feeling again. I...N-No! What the hell am I even saying?! I don't like this! I don't like this at all! I won't let them get into my head!

Moon glasses: Either way whether you like this or not. You're still very adorable when you're being tickled huhuhu. Turn it back on Jersey.

Jersey nodded and flipped the switch to turn the tickle torture device back on. The hands were wiggling their fingers ready to tickle Bamboo again. Bamboo was terrified and struggled violently while begging to get out of this.

Bamboo: N-No please stop! Not again! Stop it please! No no noooo!

The hands touched Bamboo's body again tickling her all over again.

Bamboo: Hahahahahahaha Nohoho! Hahahahahahaha please! I'm hahahahahahaha begging you plehehease stahap!Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahah!

(Time skip)

Bamboo: Haa haa haa please no m-more. Haa haa pl-please stop. I d-don't want more I...I hate this.

Jersey: Well then if you hate this so much.

Moon Glasses: We're just gonna have to do this to you over and over until you've completely enjoy this huhuhuhu.

Suddenly both girls were knock out cold from someone falling on top the girls from a high distance Bamboo Hat recognized the Shiny hair pin. It was Blazer! Bamboo was happy to see her.

Blazer: Happy to see me?

Bamboo: Blazer! Yes! Please save me.

Blazer: Will do.

Blazer unlocked the heart, decorated cuffs to release Bamboo-chan and gave her a hug.

Bamboo: H-How did you escape?

Blazer: There are many reasons why I keep my hair clip for special occasions, and don't worry I freed the other girls, and called the cops, they're on their way here but, enough about that. Did you enjoy the tickle torture?

Bamboo: W-w-well I did like it a little bit bu-..Wait! N-No I didn't.

Blazer: Riiiight. I know you enjoyed it but, I'll keep it a secret just between you and me.

Bamboo: Thank Cod.

The two girls walked out of the area safely.

The end peeps

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