Chapter 13: Taken

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Lucy's POV-

a/n: its three months later, Lucy and laxus got married

   "Listen up Brats!" Laxus boomed over the guild. They all turned his head. Bickslow and Evergreen started laughing whenever Stella was attached by a baby carrier to Laxus's chest. Lucas was on his shoulders. "Looking manly Laxus!" Elfman commented.

    I giggled and stood next to Laxus. I pulled Lucas off him and held him. He cupped my cheeks and eskimo kissed me. "Hehe" we laughed as Laxus started talking.

    "The Grand Magic Games are coming up, they did say we are only allowed one team this year. So," He started. Everyone looked at him intrigued.

    "If I call your name you are in the magic games. Dragneel, Fullbuster, Lockser, Dreyar, Marvell" He announced. Everyone looked up at me. "Wait Laxus why me?" I asked. "I thought Guild Masters arent aloud in the Games?"

   "They arent, but you are VICE. You are still aloud to take part in it Blondie." He explained and played with Lucas in my arms.

   "Psh, shes only getting in because of her husband," Lisanna stated and crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes. "Fine then," I stated and set Lucas on the ground. He smiled at me. I smiled back. I turned my head to Lisanna and glared at her. She thinks I'm only in because of Laxus huh? Let's test her theory. "Lisanna I challenge you to a magic battle." I smirked and the guild gasped. She looked shocked then grit her teeth.

   "I accept."

    "Good, how about tomorrow then, we can do it at the arena for the games. After that we can all head out for the three month training." I rested my arms on the railing, I smirked down at her.

    She shivered, she gulped and nodded. She smiled up at me. "Then tomorrow I'll beat you Heartfilia!" She declaimed. I giggled, "You forget dont you? I'm a Dreyar now."

    Lucas yawned and Stella started falling asleep. I smiled softly and grabbed Stella's diaper bag. "Hey I'm gonna take them home," I said and picked Stella out of the baby carrier. Laxus nodded and put Lucas's shoes on.

    We got them both ready and I put on mine and Lucas's jacket. I tucked Stella into her baby blanket. It had celestial keys on it that had a lightning bolt.

     I kissed Laxus and he secretly grabbed my butt making me squeal. He smirked at me and I pushed him away smiling. Lucas grabbed my hand. "Okay love you," I said to Laxus walking away. "Love you to," Laxus mumbled smiling at us. I smiled back and Lucas waved, "Bye Daddy!"

    We laughed and I walked out the guild with them. The starry night glistened in the waters mirror. Lucas smiled as I pointed out all the constellations. Aquarius's constellation glowed. Lucas had the purest smile on his face. I smiled at his face, stars filled his eyes.

     "Shes pretty.." I heard a voice call. "Get her, we'll sell the kids. Keep the girl and we'll bring her up as one of us!" A diffrent one said. I grabbed Lucas, "OPEN GATE OF THE LION: LEO!" I shouted. A poof of smoke and Leo appeared. I glared at the guys, there were nine of them..

    "OPEN GATE OF THE RAM: ARES" I shouted. A pink smoke appeared then cleared and Ares appeared. "Area take Lucas and Stella to Laxus. Fill him in on the situation" I ordered handing her Stella. Who was crying now. She nodded worriedly. "Will you be okay?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Lucas go with Ares" I said and hugged him. "B-but Mommy..." He started crying. I hugged him. "Mommy can take these guys!" I reminded him. He wiped his tears and nodded.

    "Lucy!" Leo groaned. I turned and saw him on the ground beaten. I grit my teeth and dismissed him. "Area go!" I shouted and she grabbed Lucas and left. Tears flying out her eyes as she ran.

Normal POV-

     Lucas sobbed as Ares took him and Stella quickly back to the guild. Ares kicked open the guild doors. "HELP!" Lucas screamed. Laxus raised out his office and to Lucas. He looked at Stella then to Ares. "Your one or Lu~Chan's celestial spirits!" Levy gasped. Ares was in tears. "Wheres Lucy.." Laxus asked. Lightning escaped his body, the weather outside changed. Lightning, Thunder everywhere.

    "WHERE IS SHE!" He yelled angrily. "M-mommy.. she was... bad men.... the river..." Lucas sobbed. Laxus grabbed his coat. "Wendy! Cmon! Mira stay with Stella and Lucas! NOBODY LEAVES TILL I GET BACK!" He boomed.

     Wendy was already ready, she put a hand on Laxus's shoudler. Laxus went into lightning body and sniffed out Lucy.

    With Lucy-

   Lucy groaned and held her stomach. She had taken out all but one of the members. "You must know of us?" He asked. A creepy smile plastered on his face. Lucy was covered in blood. She had a cut on her arm, stomach, she had slashes on her legs. 

    "No.. I dont know of you..." she answered and glared at him. He smirked. "We are Dark Heart, a dark guild as what you call it?" He smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders. Lucy went wide eyed and grit her teeth.

    "Your guild... You!" She shouted angrily. "So you know of us?" He questioned stepping to her. She stepped backward. "Yes I do, your guild kidnaps mages, sell them or..." She spit out some blood. He finished the sentence for her, "We have some fun with them.. that little girls and boy of yours, based on your appearence she will make a fine addition, and the boy will make us good money," The man said grinning and licked his lips.

   Lucy snapped. "YOU WONT LAY A HAND ON THEM" She screamed. A vibrant yellow glow escaped her body, she stood up straight and her hair flew upwards. The man looked at her with a hint of worry in his eyes. She glared at him. "THEY ARE MY KIDS" Her hand filled with a purple glow. Stars mixed with it.


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