Alastor, the Radio Demon

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                       Alastor couldn't believe how close to death he came; again, he'd been careless in hunting in his Deer form and looking at the body of the Demon he'd killed. He shook his head, remembering the taste of the disgusting Hunter, some rotting Demon or something. Turning towards the one known as Lou, his appearance was straight forward, black on black and more black. All except his hair which was at shoulder length, a golden blonde against pale, fair skin and his eyes solid yellow with nothing but black slits for pupils. Tilting his head to ponder who this Demon could be and if he had ever seen or heard of him before, the Radio Demon hadn't noticed anything with his hand just yet as he summoned his Microphone staff to twirl and set it at his side.

"Well, it does seem our arrangement together will be something of a way to pass the time. Hope you're not one of those pacifist Demons or we may have a problem here!" The other chuckled at the thought, although he didn't sound amused at all as if there wasn't real emotion behind the effort. Lou had been entertaining the memory of torturing others for countless years, but no, he didn't feel much of anything lately.

"Oh no, I can appreciate a good torturing, maiming or murder as much as the next Demon. Is that what you had in mind?"

"Why yes, in fact, I plan on finding out who hired this bushwa hunter! That is where the fun will start, as soon as we identify who he is?" Alastor looked at the other, hoping he'd see the hint that he was not going to frisk the body and while Lou knew what the other was insinuating. He looked away sighing as he went to kneel next to the corpse, the grin on the Radio Demon's face widened, perhaps this other Demon would be interesting to have around. Thinking of who could have hired the dead hunter, well, there was probably a lot of possibilities. Perhaps going to his friend's bar would help, he was pulled from his thoughts when Lou handed him a wallet he found on the body. Standing up to wipe his hands off as Alastor took it and keeping the cash that was inside he read what I.D. he could make out,

"Ever heard of Dan Murphy, a dull name that one, wait. Something about Darke Hunters group," he passed the wallet back to Lou who took it while giving no expression. He'd have known them, had he cared enough about Hell to take note of certain things, he handed it back to Alastor. Still, he was curious as to how the Radio Demon was going to go about tracking this group and finding out who hired him to enact their revenge.

"No, I do not. Surely, you have some idea on finding out though?" Lou watched the other's expression change as if wondering how he didn't know or at least have some idea on obtaining information about other Demons. Almost as if he'd been living under a rock. Still, Alastor smiled while pocketing the information and turning to leave the forest.

"There are plenty of ways to find out, come along now!" As they walked through the forest heading towards the city, Lou had to admit, he didn't like walking much but he felt the appearance of Wings so soon after meeting would bring questions. So far, the Radio Demon wasn't asking enough and he wasn't sure how he felt about that seeing as it appeared Alastor was just that carefree.

"From what little I know of you, Alastor, you arrived in Hell two years ago. Rumor had it you were slain but it would seem you survived and it didn't take you long to rise back up and keep your title. I take it Hell is to your liking?" Upon being reminded of his mishap when he first arrived in Hell, he held his grin while somewhat glaring ahead of himself as the other was following behind. Still, he responded with his usual cheery tone.

"It's definitely not what I expected, Church made it sound like suffering for eternity in the firey pits of well you know! Hell is not much different than the living world and I don't have to hide my murderous tendencies!" He laughed as he enjoyed Hell more than he should, the Power he had and the fact that he could kill when and wherever he wanted. Lou nearly laughed at that, those fiery burning pits of Hell still existed, they were just not being used anymore but he kept that to himself. Indeed Hell had changed with the times and thanks to the new souls that lived within his realm, it didn't take long for them to start reshaping his domain.  When he had first seen the City being built in the image of the Living World, Lou had become cross. How dare the mortals turn his realm to look like the living one, he had thought to torment and torture them all, yet he didn't because well that took energy and time. Lou had slowly lost interest in running his realm, doing the same thing over and over.

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