Lou & Al Extras

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                          A/N: As the title says, these are some extra/smut scenes that were roleplayed and I'm sharing them with all of you.  Enjoy!

                               ~Lucifer & Alastor's First Real Date~

                            Another day at the Palace, surrounded by a barrier that kept unwanted Demons from trespassing and of course those stark raving mad Demoness' who always wanted to hook up with the Devil, was where Lucifer made his way to his common room holding the Hell Times Paper and a cup of tea.  He wore an apple robe and slippers as his hair was fanned around his face that lacked any makeup, upon entering the room he paused as he came to see a red form sleeping on his couch.  Shaking his head as he slowly walked in to set his things down on the coffee table, he was careful not to startle the Deer while he slept but nearing close enough to see his sleeping face.  The Radio Demon made it his job to break into his home whenever he wanted and although he believed he broke through his barrier the truth was Lucifer didn't mind his presence and as such he had permission to come and go as he pleased.  He stood over the other looking down at him sleeping so peacefully, he always wondered why he slept in odd places within his Palace when he could just come to his room and sleep with him.  Something told him the other wasn't quite comfortable with the two of them and he wondered how he could fix that, as he looked at his sleeping form, Alastor would open his eyes to stare straight into the other's yellow ones.

"Oh!  It's just you," the Deer yawned while stretching to sit up as Lucifer raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course it's me, whose home do you think you're in?"

"It could have been a maid, which would have been nice as I'd get breakfast too!"  He laughed as the Devil shook his to sit next to the other and sip his tea while getting the paper, Alastor's ear flickered as he grinned while tilting his head at the other.  He took note of what he was wearing and had to stifle a laugh,

"Anything interesting in the paper?"  Lucifer scoffed as he saw something on advice when dating and as such he had a slight blush while tossing the paper in the air to catch it on fire,

"No, boring as usual.  What brings you over today, Alastor?"  He watched as the paper turned to ash and land on the ground and looking back at the Devil, he seemed to get a bit flustered but held his ground all the same.

"Well, I wanted to spend some time with you, I'm getting rather good at breaking through your barrier!"

"Alastor, you're getting into my home because I want you here, you silly thing."  Alastor paused as a small blush came over his cheeks,

"Ehhh...  Perhaps we could go out and enjoy a lovely day in Hell?"  Lucifer was surprised at this as he raised an eyebrow at the other, rubbing his chin while pondering, he was new to this whole relationship and as far as how they did things in this time and age.

"You mean like a date?"  Hearing the question made the Radio Demon's ears lower as he looked away somewhat flustered,

"Uh heh... yes perhaps I mean if you want to?"  He looked at the Devil who smiled back at him somewhat warmly, the smile made him freeze as his chest ached where his scar was, not in pain but something warm.  Lucifer looked down at himself and blushing he went to stand,

"Suppose I should get dressed and ready?"  He made his way to his room with Alastor following behind eagerly,

"Sure, unless you want to go out like that!  Nice robe, by the way, apples, of course!"  Lucifer sighed as he answered,

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now