One's Appetite

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                    Alastor had decided to take Lou to one of his favorite restaurants that would cater to his special diet and was owned by a Dear friend of his, one of the few that the Radio Demon possessed within Hell.  This was curious to Lou as he couldn't imagine a Demon like Alastor to have as such, then again, the Devil didn't have any friends himself.  Only servants, his Wife and his little girl with which he kept secret from his Realm, no one knew of his Family at least for the time being.  And he was going to keep it that way for fear of idiots thinking they could take on the Royal Family, truth be told as he glanced at the Radio Demon, Alastor himself would probably use his Family against him one day.  Seeing as he almost killed the other two years ago,

"Alastor, you've never met the Devil I take it?  What do you think of him?"  Alastor continued walking down the street heading towards the restaurant but his gaze did seem to darken at the question, he sadly didn't see or remember what the Devil looked like during his rampage.  He only knew from others that it was the Devil that came down and nearly killed him for what happened, the rage within his Soul was still there but he merely chuckled while answering.

"You're right, I have never met him. From what other's say, he's pretty much a lazy good for nothing.  Some don't even think he exists while others say he's too fat to get out of that Palace of his either way if you ask me."  He paused to look at Lou with that creepy grin and sly look in his crimson eyes, "Should I meet the Devil again, things will be much different this time."  Lou looked at him with an amused grin of his own, he chuckled as they continued walking down the street and upon entering the Eastern side of the City.  Lou realized they had entered the territory of the Overlord known as the Baroness.  He looked at Alastor somewhat curious as he was also an Overlord, two Overlords in one area was never a good thing.

"Alastor, you realize we've entered the Baroness' territory?  Are you sure this is wise?"  Alastor merely chuckled as they came to the entrance of the restaurant called "Burnt Offerings" and as they entered,

"Sure it is!  Perhaps~  Not to worry, Rosie and I have an agreement of sorts, we've become quite good friends since my arrival here in Hell.  She's a doll, literally, ha!  An interesting woman of refining tastes."  If that wasn't an understatement, although Lou knew of the Baroness and her qualities, he doubted she could tell who he really was so he wasn't all that concerned.  She was a Doll of sorts, with the ability to turn others into servants and do her bidding, mostly men.  Which was odd seeing as Alastor claims they are friends yet the idea of Rosie being as such to a Demon like the Radio Demon was indeed intriguing,

"It's nice to see that others here in Hell could become acquainted with one another in such a manner, two OverLords actually getting along. You must have a thing for this woman then?"  Being led to a table by a waiter, Alastor went about taking a seat as he made his Microphone vanish and while Lou took a seat in the booth across from him the Radio Demon shook his head.

"For Rosie? Oh, Dear no, at least not in the way you imagine.  I do enjoy her company very much so but never have I felt that way towards another."  That was odd to him, Lou couldn't fathom why the Baroness wouldn't make Alastor a slave to her advantage but it wasn't his place to really judge.  After all, had he been her servant, he would have never found a Deer near dying in the forest and making a deal with them to see how one spent their time with another would never have happened.  Lou looked about as it was designed from the 1800's decor, that was around the time the Baroness had come to Hell.  Sitting there across from Alastor he realized he had never eaten with another before that wasn't his Wife, then again he didn't really eat at all except for... apples. He looked away, would that hint at who he was?

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