The Devil and the Deer

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                                 Lucifer had seen the 666 News that ridiculed his little girl for all of Hell to see and as such, he growled while cracking the remote and flung it into the old television, breaking it into glass and sparks of electricity.  The thought of him flying over to the station and tormenting every Demon there made it hard not to consider doing as he paced in his study, he wanted to see his little girl but the last time he went flying about.  Some fool kept trying to snare him with nets aimed for him in the sky, he let out an annoyed sigh as he looked to a portrait within his study.  Tilting his head, his grin widened as he had a thought to get to and from where he wanted to go and as such he went to raise his Scepter within the portrait of his family, a circling vortex of red appeared along with tendrils of demonic essence.  He went about climbing inside and sure enough, he found himself staring down at Charlotte, his lovely daughter but to his dismay, there was another there with her and one whom he'd never fathom to be there at the Hotel.  Alastor.  The Radio Demon watched as the ancient being crawled from the frame to land in the hall right next to him and Charlie, he fixed his hat while holding his apple cane and grinning he looked at the two Demons.

"My, what a surprise, Charlotte I had no idea you were acquainted with the Radio Demon?"  The Devil turned to face the Radio Demon, both were grinning as the tension hung thick in the air while Charlie looked between the two.   She heard stories about the Radio Demon but she wasn't sure what that had to do with how the two seemed to have it out for one another, then again if it was true Alastor had gone on a rampage when he first manifested.  Then maybe it was her Father that had stopped him, could the two want to kill each other, Charlie had all these thoughts going through her mind that when she finally spoke.  She went to her Father's side, offering him a hug,

"Well, he only showed up today and he's offered to help the Hotel!  I think its a swell idea, first we have Angel Dust who wants to be redeemed and maybe in time, so will the Radio Demon.  Two of Hell's most well-known Demons joining the Hotel will surely bring in others to do the same?"  Lucifer wrapped an arm around her shoulder, looking down at her smiling face and seeing how optimistic his little girl was always soothed his cold heart, she did indeed have a light within her unlike any other.  Still, his suspicion of the Radio Demon wouldn't go away as he knew well enough Alastor was still upset about past events.  Glancing back towards the crimson eyed Demon, he stood there with his grin and hands behind his back, the Devil couldn't fathom what was going on through the other's mind.

"Yes, my sweet little apple slice, I'm sure it will be helpful indeed."

"Father, what uh... how come you're here anyway?"  Charlie pulled away to stand somewhat in front of Alastor who was also curious as to the Devil's answer.  Lucifer went about tilting his hat as he chuckled,

"Well, I saw the News of course and thought to visit.  As for how I came here, let's just say, there's some idiot out there who thinks its funny to set up nets that shoot at flying Demons.  It was years ago, but one can never be too careful in Hell."  Alastor then came forward, holding his Microphone in one hand and placing his other upon Charlie's shoulder as he leaned down to speak.

"My, that would be most unfortunate!  To see the Devil caught in a net, like vermin, wonder why they would be trying to catch a Fallen Angel?"  Charlie tensed as he said one of the few words her father disliked, she chuckled nervously glancing at the Devil who was still grinning but seething with rage at the sight of the other so close and touching his daughter.

"Y-yeah, how foolish but uh... thanks for visiting Dad, you could have just called?"  He was about to retort when Vaggie came from down the hall and upon seeing the Devil, she grew nervous but held her ground.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now