Wings of an Angel

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                             As Alastor came closer to the hideout of the Hunters, he started to slow and when Lou noticed this he came to land not far behind him to put away his wings.  Sure there were plenty of Demons with wings but none looked so grand as Lou's did, he didn't want to have to explain them just yet.  Walking up behind the Radio Demon, he turned to glance at Lou rather excitedly.

"You kept up rather well," Lou merely chuckled as they continued down the street, glancing at the other beside him, Lou couldn't help but think of how much fun he'd been having during their time together.  Interesting enough for a mortal, spontaneous and wild-spirited, although he was sure there was more to Alastor that he hoped to learn later on.  As they came to a run-down building, Alastor brought out his Microphone as he began gathering his Shadows only to see the garage door open and reveal three Alpha Hell Hounds all of which howled to summon two apiece.  Now a total of nine Hounds, all of which snarled and slowly made their way out to greet the two Demons.  Lucifer cursed as he glanced at Alastor,

"Try not to look at them, ignore them and gather your power because something tells me this is a distraction."  He was trying to talk the other through it all but as far as the hounds went, he wasn't sure Alastor could do this at all.  The Radio Demon managed to shake his head and nodding to Lou he stepped back to raise his minions from the Shadows surrounding the culdesac.  The Hounds charged towards them running from all sides as Lou cursed, afraid to use his Scepter in front of Alastor.  The Devil raised his claws as the first hound jumped for him, he cut it down into nothing as the summoned creature didn't stand a chance.  Going about this for a while as he continued to cut down the Hounds that circled him, he made sure none ran past to Alastor as the Radio Demon was raising his own minions.  Once several of the Hounds were taken care of Lou's eyes glowed red as he commanded the originals to bow before him, using the force of his Power, the Hell Hounds obeyed the Ruler of Hell.  Laying on their bellies whimpering in submission,

"How in the Hell did you do that!"  Ann's voice came from the top of her hideout, she saw what he had done and while he felt the back of his hand burning he merely smirked.

"I'm good with animals?"   She screamed and commanded her men to aim for Alastor as he was busy amassing his minions, Lou cursed as he realized they had set up a gunning circle.  Without thinking he motioned towards the Radio Demon as Ann shouted,

"Fire!"  Suddenly gunfire could be heard for miles, it rained down on the streets and before Alastor could understand what was going on Lou was there.  Black wings unfurled around them as Lou stood behind Alastor to shield him from the rain of fire, the bullets impacted his wings but didn't go through them.  Gritting his fangs as he held onto Alastor's shoulders to keep himself up through the immense pain he was feeling,

"Focus your Shadows... they are on the rooftops..." if he wasn't trying to hide who he was he'd have killed them all by now.  Alastor's own rage was amplified as he witnessed what the other was doing for him, being saved again by Lou made the Radio Demon cackle with mad laughter as he sent his Shadows to the top of the buildings.  Stabbing into each gunman, tearing them to pieces as their cries rang through the air.  When the gunfire ceases, Lou gasps as he releases Alastor's shoulders to drop to his knees as his wings lay limply around him.  Turning to see the state he was in, Alastor kneels before him placing a hand on Lou's shoulder.

"Why?  You didn't have to do that, Lou you're... you're really messed up."  Looking at his Wings as they were torn and bleeding, Lou grunted as he forced them away while looking up at the other.

"I'll be fine, just finish it!"  He snarled as Alastor grinned annoyingly, turning to see his Shadows were hunting the Harpy and one other lackey.  Leaping from the top of the building to land next to her submissive hounds, she smacked them to stand and ordered them forward as her partner aimed his gun for Lou.  Taking a shot or two, he hit Lou close to the heart knocking him back to lay on the streets as he cried out in pain.  The bullets held the same poison and paralysis effect and although he was the Devil, his Powers only worked so fast as to not knock himself out due to the amount he would use at once.  Alastor saw the Hounds getting up but upon feeling the burn of his hand and hearing the gunshots aimed for Lou, he snarled and sent his Shadows towards the Hell Hounds.  Doing as Lou had said he'd do, he ripped the beasts before Ann's eyes while cackling at her screams of despair.

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