The First Extermination

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                         The growing population of Demons within Hell was something that was brought to the Devil's attention, many complaints and disastrous outcomes were reported to the guards of the Palace and thus to Lucifer himself.  He stood in his study looking out of his window, it wasn't a clear view of his Hell but it was where Lilith would find him as he was contemplating what to do about the issue.  In the old days, Souls were punished for their sins, eventually, they would see the light and move on to the Heavens to where they could either stay there or be reincarnated if they so choose.  It was something only someone as ancient as he knew when it came to the possibility of redemption, he kept that knowledge to himself as others wouldn't believe in such a thing.  Nowadays, souls were content to stay in Hell and continue living as they did while alive and as many had said about the Devil, he had become lax in his punishings and as far as killing other Demons.  When a Demon died, that was it, no more life for that soul.  Lucifer hadn't cared to clean up his Hell after a certain amount of years had passed, Lilith came up behind him to rest her chin upon his shoulder.

"Whatever will you do, love?  Hell's becoming crowded, would you like help in a purging?"  The Devil never really cared for the mortals but something within him had changed and it was probably due to his Daughter, Charlotte, who dreamed of going out one day among her people to help them find redemption so they could move on like they once did.  He admired his little girl, she held a light within her that he no longer carried at least, not anymore.  Before he could answer something pulsed within him as he felt a rip within his Hell, holding his chest he looked outside to the sky and went wide-eyed at the sight of the Pentagram opening wide and a bright light erupted within his realm.  From the tear in the sky, many figures flew down upon the City and soon, destruction was everywhere.  The screams and cries of his people could be heard and his head filled with many voices as he held the side of his face, groaning in discomfort.

"Father!  What's going on?"  He turned to see Charlie running into the study as Lilith went to hold their daughter,

"I'm not sure, I'll have to go out and check.  Stay here you two, the guards will make sure none of those things enter here."  If not them then the barrier that protected his home would stop any force that was not his family, not unless he wanted them to enter and as such the Devil took flight into the sky.  Looking upon the damaged city, fires and cries from Demons being slaughtered by what looked to be metal Angels.  Angels that were robotic more so than flesh, going about killing any Demon they came across while others tried fighting back and while Lucifer went about he thought of one Demon.  Alastor.

                      Screams and sounds of crashing would be heard within Mimzy's bar as the strange robotic Angels went about killing Demons and breaking anything in their path to do so while the Radio Demon was amassing his Shadows to fight the invading annoyance from getting closer to him or his friends.  Growling as he played static from his Microphone to try and hinder the advancing Angels, it only seemed to make their circuits pulse violently as they went about trying to stab Alastor.  The Radio Demon used his staff to block or counter,

"Mimzy, Dear, get everyone out the back! Now!"  He snarled pushing the creatures back as he would join them in retreating through the alley, his Shadows hit against the metal but didn't even leave a scratch.  Aiming his Staff at the one that followed them to the alley, the red beam of light blasted the contraption to smetherings and at the sight of destroying one of them.  Alastor had regained confidence that he could beat these machines of sorts, no one knows what they are or how they came to be all the same he and his friends focused on getting away with their lives.  They were cut off by two more Angels appearing in front of them, Husk went about pulling his playing cards out as they floated into the air they distracted the machines as illusions of hearts, spades, clovers, and diamonds played before them allowing Husk, Nifty, and Mimzy to run past them leaving Alastor to face the two Angels who smacked the cards from mid-air.  He held his grin while cursing his luck, lifting his staff once more to send sonic waves of static and shock waves, he managed to hold the two Angels back but not before a third came to land behind him and using its spear to stab into the back of Alastor's leg.  The Radio Demon cried out while falling to the ground to land on his stomach, his leg pinned as he looked back at the third Angel, his ears lowered as he was caught off guard and seeing the other Angels coming to surround him.  Even Alastor didn't think he was getting out of there alive and as he did so before as a Deer trapped he wished for help at that moment, he closed his eyes while covering the back of his head waiting for that killing blow.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now