The Devil's Due

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"Everything is fine, Miss Su was just leaving."  Lou went to stand up while grabbing the She-Wolf by the arm he dragged her away from the bar heading to the side door leading out to the alley and as he did this.  She struggled to try to pull away,

"Let go! Stop it, Luci-" he whipped around to grab her by the throat before she could say his full name, continuing to pull her out of the bar, Alastor was confused at what was going on as he made to follow them but due to the crowd it was taking him some time.  Before long, Lou opened the back door to drag her out and slam her against the wall where he strangled her with both his hands.

"You made a mistake, Dearie, I'm afraid you have to die now."  As he ended the Demoness' life, Alastor made his way outside as well to see him drop her limp body to the ground, although he didn't much care for the death of others.  Seeing Lou kill so suddenly, it was as if he was hiding something that the other knew, all the same, he clapped for the other.

"Good show indeed!  Tell me, what did she do to warrant her untimely demise?  An annoying ex perhaps?"  No, she hadn't been but Lou wasn't going to admit what she really knew as he turned to face the other calming himself from the bloodlust he had been feeling.

"Perhaps we had one night but I didn't care much for it, so sorry if this ruined the evening?"  Before Alastor could answer a voice farther down the alley called out to them,

"You fucking killed Su?  You piece of shit, just because you're the King of Hell doesn't mean you get to do as you please!"  Turning to see at least six other wolf Demons, all different and focused on Lou as two of them ran at him.  One latched its jaw on his leg while the other wrestled with him using their claws, grunting as Lou fought not to stumble, two more came at him with one latching onto his shoulder sinking his fangs in and the fourth going to stab his claws into Lou's stomach.  He snarled as the pain from all attacks was getting to him, Alastor raised his Microphone to help the other until the last two wolves came to stand in front of him blocking his way.

"This doesn't concern you, Radio Demon!  Just leave the King to us," the Radio Demon was getting slightly irritated but he was also confused as to who they were referring to, Lou, the King of Hell?  Not possible, surely they were mistaken.  He summoned his Shadows to remain on standby but he worried for the other, he had seen him fight but not so many at once or biting into him as they were.  Lou didn't want to show his true potential in front of Alastor, he'd learn who he was and then what?  Still, feeling the fangs of these Demons and the claws within his gut he felt his being growing angry.  The Darkness within him rising to preserve his life and as such, he unfurled his black angel wings which knocked the one at his shoulder away, summoning his golden Spear.  He stabbed the wolf that was biting into his leg, seeing the death of their comrade made them back away as Lou went to cut down the one who stabbed his stomach.  Slowly his wounds were healing as he grinned, his eyes glowed red as he started laughing and swinging about his Spear.

"Well, come on, then!  Let's have a go!"  He laughed again as he charged forward to cut another down, slicing the body in half as if it were nothing, he leaped into the air hovering over another wolf to stab and pin his body into the ground.  The two wolves turned to see the carnage which allowed Alastor to send his own Shadows to tear them apart, unable to focus on that though as the Radio Demon stared at Lou who held the golden Spear in his hands.  His eyes widened as his eyes glared with malicious intent,

"Why do you have that Spear Lou?  I've never seen you use it before, another secret you're keeping from me eh?"  Lou chuckled as he twirled his spear about, looking at the carnage around them and the bit of mess he made on himself.  He sighed deeply,

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now