Lucifer Magne

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                                                     ~Three Years Later~

                        Time moves fast when one has fun within Hell and boy did they have fun as Lou and Alastor remained together throughout the time, although the two are friends with special benefits when it came to their games of blood and excitement.  Days weren't always filled with fun, Alastor could see something was worrying Lou and as he waited for the other to talk with him he supposed it didn't surprise him as he seemed to be keeping secrets. Again.  He trusted Lou but the other was beginning to make him feel as if he should get to the bottom of why the other acted as if he had something to hide?  Sure, they didn't spend every waking moment together as Lou had Deals to make with others which the Radio Demon knew he was doing to give the Devil more servants.  All the while, Alastor spent time with Mimzy, Husk and a new friend he had made who went by the name of Nifty as they all shared a sense of humor they could all enjoy.  Then it happened, one day after three years as the Devil knew the day would come when his one darkest secret would be revealed...

                 Alastor had woke that morning to a message left on his end table to meet with Lou in the City around a certain time, he was early as he was wondering the streets of Hell and while whistling he twirled his cane about until he spotted an odd Demoness.  She was standing in the main square looking into the fountain where one would find pennies if Demons didn't pilfer them, she was quite short and somewhat young-looking then again being in Hell one could never assume with appearances.  Yet there was something off about the Demoness, her hair was long and golden blonde as she wore a lovely pink dress, frills and all.  Alastor tilted his head to the side as he sensed something familiar and yet a kind of light about her, she didn't look as if she belonged in Hell either.

"Good morning, Dear, why I must admit I've never seen a Demoness like you.  Are you by chance new here in Hell?"  He had made his way closer to her and as he spoke, she jumped a bit looking up at him surprised.  More so as she looked him up and down while also walking around him, his ear flickered as his grin widened by her obvious curiosity.

"I suppose I should introduce myself, Al-" he was cut off as she smiled at him big and exclaimed excitedly.

"Wow, you're so tall and red!  Are those antlers?  They're really neat, I love your coat and your Microphone! Oh, do you sing?  I love singing, especially with my Father!"  At the barrage of her excitement, she was like a child indeed which made Alastor laugh at the fresh experience of witnessing an innocent curiosity for the first time in a long while.

"My, you sure are a curious one.  Yes to all your questions, as for singing, it is indeed something I love to do as well!  You say you have a father here?  In Hell?  Are you waiting for him?"

"Ah no, well that is, Mother went to get him so he can finally come home!  Its been a while since we've seen him but I'm sure he's just busy!"  She smiled brightly as Alastor continued to grin at the interesting Demoness, he then sensed someone coming towards them and as he turned to see who it was he felt himself stiffen.

                 Lucifer was in the city, he had found his feelings for Alastor growing with time and he went about getting a gift for the Radio Demon, going to a particular shop to pick it up as he had it specially made for Alastor.  A golden pocket watch, engraved on the inside were the initials L + A and looking at it the Devil grinned as he made his way back outside and before long he sensed her, turning into the alley with haste he came face to face with Lilith, Queen of Hell.  She stood glaring at him wearing a long black dress as her lovely blonde hair went down past her rear and her horns curled over her head, she came towards Lucifer reframing from grabbing him by the front of his shirt as he spoke.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now