Won't Say I'm In...

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                         It had been three weeks since he last saw Lou, since what happened in his hotel suite where the two did strange things to one another and found that he had liked them, liked them far too much.  The strange feelings within Alastor wouldn't go away and Lou was on his mind even more so, he had thought if he tasted him and got it over with he'd lose interest.  So why?  The Radio Demon found it aggravating to no end, even more so that Lou himself didn't come to see him either so then did that mean the other didn't like what they did or maybe he liked it too and was just as confused as the Radio Demon?  Either way, Alastor would head out from his home towards Mimzy's bar where he was to meet with his friends of old, upon arriving there after he saw two of his closest friends waiting for him at the table.  Heading over to see Mimzy looking very pretty as she always did when meeting with him and the lovely Overlord of the East, Rosie the Baroness.

"Darling, Alastor, so good of you to join us!  Here, sit, sit!  How have you been, Dear?"  She stood to allow Alastor to slid into the booth where he sat in between the two ladies, he chuckled as he nodded to the two.

"A lovely evening it is my Dears, why I've been swell.  How have you two been fairing?"  Mimzy ordered them some drinks as she laid her chin in her hands,

"Oh, business has been good but then again it's Hell and quite boring.  Oh, Dearie me, where is your friend, Alastor?  Is he not joining you tonight?"  He squinted at Mimzy as she knew full well he hadn't been around for three weeks let alone the five years he had gone missing but this piqued Rosie's interest as well.  The Baroness had met Lou about ten years ago during one of her hosted parties, it was indeed an event she'd never forget since the Broker Demon had made quite the impression on her.  She thought him familiar but couldn't quite put her finger on where she knew him from, little did she know, Lou had cast a glamour spell on himself to make him appear different to her eyes.  He couldn't afford the Baroness to reveal who he was and she had been around Hell long enough to remember him, it was the reason he had only met her that once.

"Yes, where is Dear Lou?  I've quite missed him, such a charming fellow."  He chuckled nervously as he turned to Rosie,

"Oh well, things are complicated and he's a very busy Demon.  What with him being a Demon General that works for the Devil and all."  Mimzy gasped as Rosie's grin seemed to widen,

"Oh, I see, if I recall you had a nasty encounter with the Devil when you first arrived and shortly after you met me.  Well, Darling, I'm sure he's just taking time to himself.  Unless there's something else?"  Alastor was beginning to feel nervous as he wanted to ask because when it came to emotions, no he wasn't very good at them.  Sighing he went about tapping his claws against the table, finally, their drinks arrived and he went about sipping his before starting.

"He has this friend, he's concerned for him and sadly I can't help him nor understand the issue.  His friend and another Demon did some odd things, they felt strange afterward."  Mimzy looked at Alastor confused,

"What like hugging or kissing?"  Alastor fought not to blush at the thought of kissing Lou, he shook his head.

"N-no but something that felt or resulting in his friend feeling as if they had kissed?  It's quite hard to explain but..." he motioned the two of them closer and then told them about how the two friends cut each other and bit one another where both of them were somewhat aroused from it.  Rosie leaned away gasping as her face grew flushed while Mimzy was giggling like a school girl, he looked between the two somewhat concerned that he had never seen them that way.  Well, Mimzy sure because she often looked that way when she was with the Radio Demon.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now