The Fifth Hero...?

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A/N: Before you read this, this is the sequel to "Elemental Control"! If you care about knowing about what happens before this story, go read that first! Enjoy!

*Y/N's POV*

I had just been released from the hospital, and I was ready to head back to my apartment. I was still tired from that fight with Malos... I heard that Akari, Akame, and Haru went out shopping today. I've been getting text from my classmates, they were checking up on me. I would just tell them that I'm fine now. Which is true. Still upset about my dad... But, can't help that now. All I can do, is continue the hero course, and become a hero. A better hero then my mother and father. I was almost at my apartment, when I heard some commotion. I saw someone holding Akari by her throat, against a wall. Dark aura was surrounding me. I walked up to the guy that was holding Akari by her throat and tapped his shoulder. He turned his head towards me.

???: "Huh? What do you want kid? Don't you see I'm busy?"

Y/N: "Get your hands off of her."

He dropped Akari and she started to get her breath back. He got in my face, putting his hand on my shoulder.

???: "And what are you going to do?"

I grabbed his arm.

Y/N: "This."

I began shocking him. I didn't do it for long. I pushed him back and he fell on his ass.

Y/N: "Stay away from her, or next time I'll make it worse for you."

He got up and ran away. I held my hand towards Akari.

Y/N: "What a wuss."

She took my hand and hugged me.

Akari: "Thanks."

Y/N: "Seems like I'm always saving you."

She stopped hugging me and smiled. We walked into my apartment and saw that Akame was already in here.

Y/N: "Need help with groceries?"

Akame: "We should be good now, thanks. It's good to see you back."

Y/N: "Thanks."

C/N: "Welcome back."

I saw my clone sitting on the couch.

Y/N: "Thanks..."

Akari: "Oh! Haru said he had something for you. He should be in his room."

Y/N: "Really? Thanks for letting me know."

I made my way to Haru's room. I opened his bedroom door and saw him sitting on his bed. He smiled at me as I sat next to him.

Y/N: "Haru, you have something for me?"

Haru: "Yeah! Here! I found this while cleaning my room!"

Haru took a book out and handed it to me. I looked at it.

Y/N: "The Records of the Four Cardinal Weapons? Wonder what this could be about."

I was about to open it, but I decided not to.

Y/N: "Hey, Haru, wanna go eat some lunch with the others?"

Haru: "Yes!"


We finished eating lunch and I went into my room. I had left the book in here. I picked it up and opened it. 

Y/N: ""The Waves of Apocalyptic Catastrophe... To save the world form the Waves, five heroes will be summoned from another world." Seems cool. "Each of the four of five heroes wield a characteristic weapon: a sword, a spear, a bow, or a shield." What about the fifth hero?"

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