Voices In My Head

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*Y/N's POV*

Delo: "It is nice to see you again! Elemental Hero!"

Y/N: "No need to call me that, just call me Y/N."

Delo: "Are you sure?"

Y/N: "Yes. I'm here to talk to about the upcoming Wave."

Delo: "Oh?"

Y/N: "My party will be here to defend the village and to protect you guys. I won't be around here, I will have some other things that I will take care of, and I'll be helping the other heroes take care of the Wave. Does anyone here know how to fight? Just in case they do need to defend themselves."

Delo: "Some of them do, not a lot although. They just want to live their peaceful lives."

Y/N: "Understandable."

Delo: "Do you need anything for the Wave? I can try to prepare it for you."

Y/N: "I should be fine, thank yo--"

Naofumi: "Hey, Y/N!"

I turned around and saw Naofumi walking towards me.

Y/N: "Naofumi? What are you doing here?"

Naofumi: "We were heading to a village that is past here. Were you the one that saved this one?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Naofumi: "I see, good job."

Y/N: "Thanks, I guess..."

I saw Filo run in between Naofumi and I, she smiles at me.

Filo: "Hi, Uncle Y/N!"

Y/N: "Uncle...?"

I look at Naofumi and he shrugs. I look at Filo and I rub her head.

Y/N: "How's it going kiddo."

Filo: "I've been good! Master has been so nice to me!"

I smile at her.

Y/N: "That's good to hear."

???: "Come on!"

I just ignored the voice. It's not happening again. My smile faded and I looked to the side. If I let it happen again, there is no guarantee that I'll come back.

Raphtalia: "Y/N? Are you okay?"

I snap out of it and look at Naofumi and them. I smile and wave my hands at them.

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Naofumi seemed a bit skeptical about my answer. I'm not surprised, he is smart. 

Naofumi: "I don't believe that answer."

Filo: "What do you mean, Master?"

Naofumi: "Y/N, something is bothering you, and it's not just one thing bothering you, right?"

Y/N: "I said I--"

???: "You just have to lose control!"

I put my right hand on the side of my head, my head was pounding. This really isn't good...

Raphtalia: "He looks like he's in pain."

Filo: "Uncle can come with us for a while, right Master?"

Y/N: "Guys, I--"


I grunted in pain, it was getting worse...

Naofumi: "Yeah, he can come with us."

???: "I gave you your chance to live your life, that chance is over!"

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I put my hand over my heart, breathing heavily. He is really trying to take over... And, I don't know if I can hold him back for much longer...

Naofumi: "Y/N."

I felt someones hand on my shoulder. I saw that Naofumi was standing next to me and had his hand on my shoulder.

Naofumi: "It's going to be okay. We are here for you."

Raphtalia: "That's right."

I felt Filo hug me from the side.

Y/N: "Guys..."

I felt a tear slip from my left eye. 

Y/N: "Thank you."

I saw Naofumi smile at me. 

Naofumi: "Don't worry about it. Either way, you've always been there for me, I don't want to abandon you in the time of need. I don't want to betray anyone that has gotten close to me."

Y/N: "I have a favor to ask you."

Naofumi: "What is it?"

I look at Filo and sigh.

Y/N: "I wish that Filo doesn't hear this. Raphtalia, if you can cover her ears please. This favor also goes for you, Raphtalia."

Raphtalia walks up to Filo and covers her ears.

Filo: "Hey! No fair!"

Y/N: "If I am to lose control, and no longer be the me you know as of now, I want you to kill me."

I saw Naofumi's eyes widen at this. I know it's not something that is fair to be asked of, but it might be necessary.

Raphtalia: "W-What are you talking about?!"

Y/N: "The dark element, it is a very dangerous element that could kill me most likely, but there is also something else that makes it worse. There's a monster inside of me."

Naofumi: "A monster...?"

Y/N: "It's like another side of me, but that wants to kill and destroy everything. It hasn't spoke to me in a long time, but now, it's come back and it's trying to take control. It if it wins against me, it will kill everything at any cost. That's why, I ask you two this. I need you to kill me if this happens. If Filo heard me say this, she wouldn't be happy at all and would try her best to prevent it. It's not something others can stop from happening. It's a war between the dark element and I."

Naofumi: "I..."

Y/N: "Listen, I know it's not an easy decision. I'm not just gonna give up and let it win. I'll fight against it for as long as I can. I... I just don't want to almost hurt someone close to me again..."

Raphtalia: "Again?"

Y/N: "I was against my sister before and lost control a bit and almost hurt her badly, I shoved her out of the way of the attack, but I ended up hurting myself badly. I still haven't forgiven myself for that."

Raphtalia: "I think you're being hard on yourself. You protected your sister from almost getting hurt. But, you got yourself hurt from it. You don't need to beat yourself up over it."

Y/N: "But--"

Naofumi: "We're here for you. We will find another way to save you from the dark element when the time comes, so we don't have to kill you."

I looked down at the ground and smiled.

Y/N: "Thanks..."

Naofumi: "I can tell, you have so much on your mind and that you carry a huge burden. You have others to help you out."

Y/N: "Thanks man."

I extended my fist out to him and we fist bumped each other.

Naofumi: "Let's get going, there is only so much time until the next Wave."

Filo: "Where are we going?"

Naofumi: "We are going to see if we can sell somethings, like some medicine. You good to come with us, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah, let's go."

A/N: The dark element is coming back... 


A/N: ... Anyways! Over 1000 Words!

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