Sealed Monster

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*Y/N's POV*

We were walking down the torturing area. Cell doors on the left and right of us. I remember something similar... Now's not the time to be thinking about that. 

Inori: "Ash?"

I turned around and saw that Ash was looking into one of the cells. I looked at the others and they were looking at me.

Y/N: "You guys keep looking for others that could be here. I'll see what's going on over here."

Naofumi: "Right."

They started moving forward while Inori and I stayed with Ash. I walked over to Ash, since she was up close to the cell.

Y/N: "Hold on."

I place my hand over the keyhole of the cell door and unlocked it. I opened it and stepped out of the way for Ash. She slowly walked in, the cell room looked like hell... There was blood on the floor. A wolf demi-human, just like Ash, on the floor with blood on them... This was recent.

Ash: "Aurora...?"

There was no response. Ash put her hand on Aurora's shoulder. They must have been good friends at some point. Was Ash...

Ash: "Aurora... Please..."

Ash began crying... I walked over to Ash and placed my hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: "I'm sorry... But..."

I heard footsteps and turned my head and saw Naofumi and the others.

Naofumi: "The hell?"

Y/N: "Ash, can you back up for a second?"

Ash: "Wh--"

Y/N: "Please, just do it."

Ash got up and stepped back. I crouched down next to Aurora and placed my hand on their neck. There was still a pulse, but barely. They were on deaths door. I took my hand away from their neck and placed it in front of their face. I've never tried this and it might not even work. But, I have to attempt it.

Inori: "What are you doing?"

A white glow came from my hand and I saw some of the wounds on Aurora go away. I was able to heal them. I don't know if this is the light element... 

Y/N: "Attempting to heal them. If--"

I felt a sudden jolt of pain go through out my body and gritted my teeth and continued to heal Aurora. I stopped healing them when I heard a grunt. I stood up and stepped to the side, but, I stumbled a bit and fell against the wall. I coughed up some blood, but kept myself standing. I felt someone grab my arm and it was Inori.

Inori: "That wasn't the..."

Y/N: "No, it wasn't the light element... It was something close to it though... I gave them some of my life."

Aurora: "Wh..."

I looked over and saw Aurora sit up. 

Y/N: "Careful there. I just healed you, you were close to dying..."

Aurora: "Who..."

Ash: "Aurora!"

Ash ran up to Aurora and hugged her.

Ash: "I'm so glad you're okay! I was so scared!"

Aurora: "Who are you?"

Ash: "It's me, Ash. Remember?"

Aurora: "Ash...? But you look... Grown up..."

Ash: "Well, yeah. But, I'm still the same person you knew! Remember all those times we would mess around with the others? And all those times we said we would travel with the heroes?"

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