Worst Night mare?

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The next morning I opened my eyes to meet afaans arms romantically around my waist and my head on his chest I remembered the events of yesterday night , ya allah
I tried to move but couldn't cause of his massive weight over me , I felt a tingling sensation of bitter sweet between my thighs , and red marks on my neck which made me moan.
My melodious moan woke him up I guess cause he stirred a bit and winked at me.

"Easy there babe, you weren't about to run off and leave daddy right?"

"Umm" I asked so I'm now babe.

"What's up babe , cats got your tongue Ayy?" He asked again

I ignored him and muttered "kamanta ne" trying to get up.

"Wayo mama, daddy , ya khalifa, adda Zara, adda scarlet come and save me, he's killing me tell him to stop ouchhhh" he mimicked and my eyes bulged, i rushed back under the sheet covering my face.

"Ni kam I'm in trouble wallahi"

"No you're not babe" he got under the sheet and kissed my forehead.

"Allah ya miki albarka , you've given me the best gift a wife can give her husband , you'll be of the women of jannah Insha Allah, I love you babe, now stop smiling and rest you'll need it" I dozed off immediately after he said those words cause I sure as hell was tired.


I woke up to an aroma and no afaan beside me , I tousled the bed cover and moved to the bathroom for a soothing hot bath in the jacuzzi wore one of his shirt and changed the bed sheet then headed downstairs , I went straight to the kitchen.
I sighted him shirtless cooking , and he looked very serious , I licked my lips and watched the sweat on his back drip and his hustle to make the food ready.

"Babe you know you can just come and touch me right Instead of looking all sexy and gawking at me, and stop being shy you've seen everything yesterday"

Ok afaan will be the death of me.

"Erm erm ya afaan dama good morning , dama I came to get this apron , oh I meant spoon" I said and ran out of the kitchen.

Damn you Khadija, you had to say apron I smiled and switched on my phone.
I face timed Zara and muntaz.

"Heyyy baby girl" Zara picked wiggling her brows.

"Ohhh girl you're glowing , let me see the other side damn girl" muntaz teased too.

" you guys nothing happened really"

"Oh really can you explain the Ohhhs and ahhhs we heard yesterday , and besides where is the Macho man?" Muntaz asked.

I was about to answer when ya afaan came in and cut me off.
"Well macho man is here, cooking for his babe"
They squealed laughed and dropped the call , I know I won't hear the last of this , he stretched and told me to follow him to the diner , and damnnn he looked like Jamie dornan.

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" wait you cooked this?" I asked

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" wait you cooked this?" I asked

"Afrah , I went to a cooking class for one year"
afaan you're full of surprises.

We finished eating and cleaned up then I suggested a game , let's both write 5things we love and dislije and give the other to read , we started
I told him I loved cats , food , clothe, surprises and nice people
I dislike unexpected visitors , storm , lightening, dogs and rude people.

He wrote on his love list
That he loves a neat wife
A wife that can cook
A cute wife
A beautiful wife
And that's you afrah
Please who told ya afaan that it's a poem , we are trying to know each other here 😂

We kept playing and I got to know a lot of things about him , we were asking questions when his phone rang , he was needed urgently in his place of work for a meeting I seriously didn't want him to leave , he promised me that he'll be back as soon as possible and he made me promise not to take a peek at his paper.
I was bored and it was a rainy day , I was thinking of calling Zara to come over when the light took off , I hate the dark wallahi I moved up and switched the light on my phone, I was getting really scared I couldn't even look up , then I heard a sound from the kitchen.

" who's there ?" I got up and walked towards the kitchen, there was a broken tumbler on the floor when I flashed up , there was a woman on the counter , dressed in all black and her mouth covered with a mask I could only see her eyes and she had dark kohl smeared all over it.

"Who are you and how did you get here, what do you want from me" I was terrified but I still asked.

"I'm your worst nightmare"she answered.  and darkness engulfed me.

Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you're doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.
~Joel Osteen

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now