Chapter 17: There's No Turning Back

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Chris and Asia

Asia: Thanks for meeting with me Chris. [hugging him]

Chris: No problem Asia. What's going on?

Asia: I want to apologize about the other night. I'm soooo embarrassed. 

Chris: It's okay Asia. You had a moment. Things happens. 

Asia: I feel really bad though. I overstepped so many boundaries. 

Chris: Don't sweat it. Just don't let it happen again. 

Asia: Trust me, it won't happen again. I'm going to chill with the drinking though. 

Chris: Alright. Bet. That sounds like a good idea though. Luckily, I was there to get you home safe because your "friends" left you.

Asia: I asked them to though.

Chris: I get that, but in the condition that you were in, a real friend would've stayed regardless. Not saying they're not your real friends, but everyone is different. Anything could've happened. Someone could've definitely taken advantage of you that night. Good thing, I'm a gentleman though. 

Asia: Yeah, good thing you are. Thank you for that.

Chris: No problem. You know what Asia, anybody ever tell you that you look like Rihanna?

Asia: Yeah, I get that all of the time. It's probably because we both have hazel eyes and the same skin tone. Oh, and the accent too. 

Chris: Yeahhhhh that too, but you really look like her. No Cap! Speaking of the accent, where are you from?

Asia: I'm actually from Carlisle Bay, Barbados. [laughing]

Chris: Oh, you sure you're not related to Rihanna? Are you holding out on me?

Asia: Nahhhhhh! I wish! [smiling]

Chris: Tuhhhhhh. I hear you. [smirking] Sooooo, are you single?

Asia: [giving him the side eye] Why'd you ask? Are you trying to hook me up with one of your boys?

Chris: I meannnnnnn, I could. I was just wondering. A woman as beautiful as you are can't be single. 

Asia: Welllllll, since you asked. No, I'm not single. [smiling]

Chris: Seeeeee! I knew you were taken. Who's the lucky guy?

Asia: His name is Terrance. We've been together for 3 years. 

Chris: Oh okayyyy. Where was he the night I brought you home?

Asia: [rolling her eyes] No telling. He's always out of town for "business" and coming home at all times of the night. 

Chris: Hmm. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like there's trouble in paradise.

Asia: [taking a deep breath] You're correct. I'm honestly over it. You know I feel so comfortable talking to you. I haven't felt that way in a long time. [smiling]

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