Chapeter 9

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Shina happened to be strolling nearby the high priestess and caught a glimpse of what she was writing in with her brush .

Swish, swash!

The fine bristles of the brush as it curves around the book to form sentences.

She found this more captivating than the scenery itself.

Shina felt endless roots of curiosity growing within tempting her to snatch it and read whatever was written inside, even if it turns out blank.

She followed behind  silently , as she got up from the bench and proceeded to her room.

She looked left and right to check of there was any other priestesses or Yin yang masters passing by.

Shina felt a sudden illness. She got anxious as she watched Meikata open her illustrated paper doors and closed it silently.

This felt wrong. But it was very tempting to the extent she couldn't resist the seduction of it.

She had  to read that book.

But now wasn't the right time.

not yet.

Shina cut her roots of curiosity from growing so she wouldn't end up in any kind of trouble.

She decided to seize a perfect moment to read that book.

This felt wrong, but she just really felt like she needed to peer a little bit inside of that book.

She begged Imanoko for forgiveness while biting her lip and stepping away.


Meikata had already knew that she wanted to read the book.

She just pretended to not notice.

"If she reads this, she'll know the truth.." her face becomes unsure.

"So be it. Secrets can't be kept forever. After all, it's Imanoko's blessing to reunite with my one and only daughter." 

She felt bitter while her eyes felt teary.

She wasn't the one to blame.

It's him.

Her father.

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