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I pinch the end of my quill in between my teeth and furrow my brows. I can't focus, my mind is everywhere and I can't keep my eyes off a certain blonde. The clock is ticking and sky is gloomy. We are to be writing an essay on the effects of sleeping potion, but I've gotten nearly three words down. My classmates are scratching down furiously on the paper as if their lives depend on it.

With five minutes left I have half a page and I have at this point given up. I set my quill down and start packing up. I'll just turn it in tomorrow morning at the beginning of class. Professor Slughorn likes me well enough. I'll just say I wasn't feeling very good.

The sound of the bell startles me even though I was sitting in preparation to leave. Everyone shuffles to his desk with at least a three page essay in their hands to place it in a neat pile. I make my way over to Slughorn. "I'm sorry sir, I have developed a terrible headache and I wasn't able to finish my essay. Would it be at all possible to turn it in at the beginning of tomorrows class?" I rub my temple to make my lie effective. "Oh Mrs. Granger that would be fine." He says, looking sympathetic.

Ron and Harry give me a quick goodbye and rush off to their next class which I will be going in the other direction. "Think you're all that, getting away with not turning in your paper on time?" I hear a voice filled with disgust as I turn and see Malfoy. "Oh yea like you never turned in a paper late." I say rolling my eyes. "Not for full credit." He growls. He's playing his part pretty well I almost think he's actually angry. "What can I say? There are privileges of being smart." I say. His face is full of anger, but his eyes are laughing.

"Besides being a teacher's pet, I'd say there are no upsides." He shouts. "Try it sometime, I'll bet you'll find some more." I say. Faces fuming and eyes narrowed we depart ways and meet up again in an empty classroom around the corner. "Nice work." I laugh. "You too. You're pretty hot when your angry." He says grabbing my waist. Our lips are less then a centimeter away from each other and hot air is circulating. "We said that was the last time. We said we wouldn't keep doing this." I say, our lips grazing.

"What if we want too." He says deeply. "You know and I know this can only end bad." I say. "Nobody is gonna find out. They can't." He says. I pull back. "Or your rep will be ruined." I sit on the desk. "Remember what I said during summer..." He says. "You said 'I am just a boy and you are just a girl. The color of our ties and the blood in our veins, doesn't matter.'"I finish for him. "Right. When we are together we forget about that." He says. "And when we go back out there? What happens. You hate me and I hate you?" I question.

"We could be friends?" He raises a brow. "We were never friends." I say. "Why is that again?" He scratches his head. "Because you are a bully to me and my friends since the second we set foot here." I remind him. "So we skipped friends." He stands up again. "We did indeed." My breath hitches as he kisses me. I've missed his lips.

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