What was that

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After Malfoy and my's moment in Binns class he gave my hand one last gentle squeeze before he took his books and left me sitting empty and cold handed. I sat stunned. Perhaps he has also been thinking about me? A balloon swells in my chest before I pop it with my rational. No way. There is no possible way that I could have real feelings for Malfoy...or that he could reciprocate those feelings.

I shake my head clear. He was just being like that so he could get in my pants. There was no other reason that he could have wanted to be that nice to me. Was there? But I am weak to him and he could have achieved his goals in other ways. Holding hands is a sign of actually being something more. You don't hold hands with your friends. You hold hands with exclusively one human because it would be inappropriate to touch in any other way, but not having slight contact is not enough.

There is only one possible reason for this act. Even if he doesn't know it yet himself, Malfoy is developing feelings for me. He won't come to terms with this lightly and I know that he possibly might not even admit it. I'm still puzzling over it myself. Do I feel something back? What does this mean? How can I make this not happen? This can't happen.

I sit there for much too long and even after everyone else files out of the room I sit there frowning until Binns floats over, asking if I was alright. "Oh yes sir. Sorry I am a little spacey today. It must be this cold coming on." I say. My lying skills have developed well lately with whatever this is Malfoy and I have been hiding.

I have to figure this out. I take it upon myself to skip the first half of next period and take a walk across school grounds to the owlery. The trek is tiresome, but I make good time since nearly nobody is around and I can walk without explanation. Once I get there I take out a quill and parchment and quickly scribble down what I need to say.

Astronomy tower. 9:30.


When I'm done, I neatly fold the letter and choose an owl directing it to wait a few hours before it leaves and to only directly bring it to Draco Malfoy. I bite my nails down to stubs as I make my way back to the castle.

Dramione- yes again I knowWhere stories live. Discover now