Daft Dimbo

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The weeks following the dance were dull as Harry was off meeting with Dumbledore multiple times a week and Ron off snogging Lavender. The both of them still thinking I care. I spend most of my time these days holed up in the library, still searching for any mention of the Half blood prince. Not very hopeful, and yet again I find nothing. I set the book down on the table and put my feet up.

"Mrs. Granger if you will please follow me," Professor Mcgonagall swiftly comes over to my table. My heart racing I follow her in the direction of the Hospital. When we get there I see Ron lying on a bed and Ginny and Harry on either side of him. Snape, Dumbledore, and Slughorn are there as well.

"What happened?" I ask taking the seat opposite Ginny. "He's been poisoned," Harry says. "What?" I ask taking his hand. Though he and I may not be in a good place at the moment I still care about him as a friend. "Indeed Potter's actions were heroic, but the question is why were they necessary?" Mcgonagall asks.

"Why indeed. This seems to be a gift Horace, you don't remember who gave you this bottle?" Dumbledore asks, "by the way it posses remarkably subtle hints of lickerish and cherry if not polluted with poison. "Actually I intended to give as a gift myself," Slughorn says guiltily. "To whom?" Dumbledore asks. "To you headmaster," He admits. So somebody is attempting to assassinate Dumbledore? Why? First the necklace with Katie and then this?

A shrill voice breaks the silence. "Where is he? Where is my Won Won, has he been asking for me?" Lavender propels herself through the room to his hospital bed, "What is she doing here," She gives me a fierce glare. "I might as you the same question," I raise an eyebrow. "I happen to be his girlfriend," She huffs. "And I happen to be his friend," Not sure what else to say.

"Don't make me laugh, you two have hardly been friends lately. You expect me to break up with him now that he is suddenly all interesting," She says. "He's ben poisoned you daft dimbo, besides for the record I have always found him interesting," I find myself speaking the truth. While I haven't felt romantically about him like that in a long while, he still was once the boy I was taken with and he will always be my best friend.

Ron made a stir and lavender leaned over his frame, "Ah see he senses my presence. Don't worry won won. I am here, I am here," All of us crane over him in waiting for a response. Then Ron does something in his non conscious mind that makes me feel utterly guilty for attacking his chance at happiness, even if she is blonde, bubbly, and a total airhead. He mutters, "Hermione." Lavender runs off crying in an annoying, notice me way. For a moment I allow myself to remember what it was like to be jealous of the things Ron did and it hurt seeing him with her.

Ginny mutters something to Harry before they all leave to let me alone with him. I am only digging my whole deeper. They probably all, including Ron, think I have feelings for him when I most certainly do not. As I sit though, holding his hand and thinking what my life could be like with him I see how light my future could be. No shady hiding it, we could be free to be together.

And for a moment I let those feelings I thought were gone for good back in. I can't have feelings for two people at once can I? I know I love Malfoy, but does that mean I can't have feelings for Ron as well. All this time I have been so focused on feeling bad for myself and wishing for the love I couldn't have while all along the one I could was right under my nose. It would be so easy so simple. Everyone would accept us, expect it even. I wish I could just forget this summer and everything that happened this year, but I know I can't. Draco Malfoy has yet again taken something from me, a simple life.

Dramione- yes again I knowWhere stories live. Discover now