Desire fuels Jealousy

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I put my curls into a low ponytail as I tear apart my dresser to find my other sock. "Come on Hermione we are going to miss breakfast!" Ginny groans. She has been waiting ready to leave for at least 5 minutes. "You go on ahead. I've got to find my sock! Argh-" A book falls off the top of my wardrobe due to my violent search and clocks me right on the head. One hand massages the lump forming beneath my hair while the other digs through my underwear drawer for a fourth time.

I dive down on the floor for a last resort and look under my bed. And there it is glaring at me and shining white. I grab it quickly along with my shoes and put them on while trying to walk out the door. "Hermione you forgot your bag. Jeez what has gotten into you?" Ginny grabs it for me as I put my second shoe on and tighten my tie. "Thanks Gin. Sorry I'm a little disorganized." I say. "A little." Ginny says grumpily.

"Come on you'll feel better once you've had some tea." I grab her by the shoulder and we head to breakfast only to find have our hopes shot down. Everybody is walking out and chatting in conversation. We missed breakfast. Ginny slaps my arm definitely leaving a bruise. "Ouch!" I shout. "Ron! Harry!" Ginny leaves me moaning in pain and she goes to meet them. "Here we noticed you weren't at breakfast." Harry hands us each a muffin which I accept happily.

"Someone couldn't get out of bed this morning." Ginny jabs a thumb at me. Her mouth already full as she shoves in the entire muffin at once. "I would have grabbed more if I knew we were feeding a grizzly bear this morning." Harry says laughing at Ginny. She just waves him off. We part ways with Ginny as she heads to transfiguration and us to Potions. "Did you finish your essay?" Ron asks. "Yes that's why I was up all night." I say pulling it out of my bag to show him.

"It's five pages? Are you insane." He says turning it over. "Yes." I say. Before I can take it back from him Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyal collide into Ron as they skirt around us in the hallway sending my essay to scatter. I shuffle past people to quickly collect my sheets. Once I have them all accounted for we shuffle into class. "Malfoy's a git." Harry says glaring across the room at him. I nod settling myself beside him. Ron is in the row behind us next to Seamus.

"Oh good I'm glad to see you're feeling better Mrs. Granger." Professor Slughorn takes my essay with a smile. I give him a small one in return. "You were sick?" Harry raises an eyebrow. "Only fake sick to buy myself more time." I say. "That's unlike you. Are you sure you are feeling ok?" Harry laughs. I give him a glare to shut him up as the class begins. It a boring lesson today as we are only taking notes instead of brewing. Well rather, I am taking notes and everybody else is either sleeping, talking, or just blank staring.

When class is dismissed I pack up slowly telling Harry and Ron I will catch them at lunch. I'm still exhausted from the night before and really want to go take a nap. Thankfully I actually have a free period next so I'll be able to catch up on some hours.

"I don't like the way he was looking at you." I turn around and see Malfoy. His hands are in his pockets and he is leaning against the door frame. "Who?" I ask packing up my last book and slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Lemme give you a hint: Red hair, freckles, and less money than an unlucky gambler." He says. "Hey watch it. Ron is my friend and he wasn't looking at me anyway." I say pointing a warning finger. "Yes he was. He was staring at you from the moment you sat down until the clock deemed class was over." He says, tapping his foot nervously.

"Only a person staring at me would notice that Ron was also staring." I raise an eyebrow. "I have a reason. He doesn't however." I can hear the venom in his tone. "What's that I hear? Is can't that...jealousy?" I smirk. "No how could I possibly be jealous of someone of his...standards." He says. "Sounds a lot like something you would have said about me behind my back." I give him a glare and bump his shoulder on the way out.

Argh! Harry is right, he is a bloody git! He was doing good too, almost had me fooled. He'll never change. Not for me and not for anyone. How could I have been so hotheaded to think that something could be different. I remind myself that I knew that I was getting into this. I knew it wasn't a long term thing and I knew that he wasn't going to be any less...well...any less Malfoy.

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