We are not good together

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"It is bigger than you and me. My life is at stake along with my family's," He says. "What do you mean? How does Snape doing a favor for Vold-" I start before Malfoy slaps a hand over my mouth. "Are you crazy? That name is tabooed here, they would find you and kill you and I could do nothing to protect you," He says, his eyes crazed. "You know who then," I say, removing his hand.

"I can't tell you that, but just know if you go blabbing your silly little mouth, you will not only be at fault for my death, but my whole family's," He hisses. "How can we ever trust each other then?" I ask, afraid for the answer. "We can not. That is the issue. This will not be the only time you hear something you shouldn't and wouldn't have if you weren't coming and hanging around with me. How could I have ben so stupid and let you come into my life when you are the one thing that could destroy us all," He runs a hand though his hair.

"Us all? As in referring to you Slytherins and your cruel family? They, Draco Malfoy, will have been the ruin of you, not me," I growl. "My family is not cruel they are only doing what is right for us. They are only doing what they can to protect me, it is not like they have a choice," Malfoy says. "Everybody has a choice. You have a choice. Your family, whether you believe me or not are cowards. They don't stand up against someone who only seeks power and will stop at nothing to get it," I tell him.

"They are just trying to save their son, they protect me at all costs. They would throw their lives down to preserve mine so if you want to call them cowardly for that then..." He sits down on the edge of his bed and puts his head in his hands. I go over and sit beside him. "Malfoy, what are you fighting for?" I ask him, taking his hand.

"What?" He looks up at me, his eyes glistening. "What are you fighting for? And don't say your life because living this way, living in fear under the control of a terrible man taking the lives of innocents in the climb to the top for darkness to take root, is not living," I turn his chin towards mine, but he leans back and catches my hands.

"You need to leave," He whispers. "What? Why?" I stand up and pull him up with me. "Because Granger, whether we want to be together or not we can't. Our paths were chosen for us. They do not intertwine. We are two pieces of a puzzle that are not destine to fit together, You a corner piece and I one from the middle," He places one hand on the side of my face. Though he means to drive me away, his words are gentle. We both knew all this would come crashing down. We can not be allies and we most certainly can not be friends.

"This world can be brutally cruel," I say, a single tear drips down my face. Malfoy wipes it away with his thumb. "You though are not a creation of this world's cruelty," he says. We both stand there in silence as moonlight streams in form the still open window. Then I leave him, both of us regretful and unwilling.

The ride home does not clear my mind though, it only gives me time to think. Thinking is bad when there are too many thoughts to be heard. I would rather have an empty head. For a moment I wish that I had never Draco Malfoy, and for a moment I wished that I could listen to the voice in my head telling me that I do not love him. The truth is, I do. I love Draco Malfoy.

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